Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I’m being snide because you started the snidey tone.

I do love it when lads who have decided to go full snide during this pandemic throw their toys out of the pram when they get a bit back.

If you’re going to give it, don’t complain when you have to take it.

Sure pal.

strong leadership from Michael Martin today, he “won’t hesitate to push back opening”

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Cork fellas are used to backpedalling.


Decision on reopening will depend on what Tony’s sees when he is out on his Wednesday evening drive.

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The rainy night in SoCoDu May save us

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forget about yer indoor pints

Scally on Newstalk yesterday suggesting his anecdote wasn’t an anecdote because he knew the person in question.


So we’re looking at post August BH weekend. Then how long before the next lockdown, will we get a few weeks to go mad before the Autumn bad news do we think?

Friend’s brother flying back to Ireland today. Wasn’t let on the plane as his PCR was 50 hours old instead of 48. Had to book another flight via Belfast and drive to Limerick from there.

The way he confidently expressed something that was patently untrue re the anecdote was disconcerting in terms of what else he could be bullshitting about especially in his field where experts or so called experts are the authority and shouldn’t be challenged. That and wanting to ban air travel for 2 years. That was disconcerting also.

What problems were there in bars last Autumn?

The smell in the jacks.

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George Best is best for a reason. If I was flying anywhere that’s what I would be using.

What anecdote?

It should have been pursued in Feb/Mar 2020, it wasn’t and the horse bolted.

Once Covid was in, it was in and once it was in it was proven that lockdowns mattered not a jot in order to combat its spread.

In all seriousness though, the bars were open two weeks in Sept I think and as far as I know there were very limited reports of outbreaks with them. Most of the spread seemed to be based around household visits.

He will need an increase of cases before this is pushed back, yeah? Like, as it stands we are grand?

It was an interview on Newstalk and if memory serves it was in the context of someone being vaccinated with 2 doses and still getting seriously sick from Covid. Scally was trying to point out that vaccines aren’t the panacea and other measures were needed. Ciara Kelly was on about accepting some level of risk, Scally gave an example or anecdote of the above person who he knew getting sick instead of giving stats and they had an argument on what is or isn’t an anecdote.