Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Has there been any significant cases yet whereby there has been significant Covid positives in vaccinated populations?

If not then why the hysteria about this new variant, the at risk categories have been vaccinated in the majority at this stage.

Is 72 hours not the max time for the PCR test?

Presumably not at the airport.

The Delta + variant has the ability to evade current vaccines

It’s more cunning than all other variants

I was talking to a neighbour today who is in his early 60s. He likes to go against every thing every one says but he seemed genuinely fearful of the Indian variant. He said the vaccines do work but we could still have 5000 in ICU within a few weeks.

His wife is a nurse and he’s a regular Independent reader/RTE viewer also.

He was also in our local indoor pub the last three weekends, maybe it’s not as deadly in our local.


I know this fella similarly in his 60’s (no relation) who every night writes down the case numbers, ICU figures and deaths in a diary and has done every day since last year. He also thinks the country is heading into a boom period due to all the savings amassed over the last 12 months.

We’d want to start cracking building a few hospitals.

Anyone without the vaccine won’t live past Christmas

Half all of the cases in NI now Delta. And yet we persist with MHQ


It’s like a lad with a mouse problem in his house stuffing up the hole or two in the kitchen and the whole gable end wide open to the elements.


Delta airlines…think about it…

The hilarious thing about that is that there were 4-5 million border crossings between North and South in May. When you see that number in the cold light of day against the daily number of flights between Britain and Ireland it is quite stark. We really cut off our face to spite our face with MHQ. But round and round we go.

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This fella is slowly unravelling, the daft cunt.

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They’re absolutely busting themselves to find any cases, pleading with the public, ambushing them, writing to unsuspecting individuals and their families…pop up test centres searching for “asymptomatic cases”. It’s a complete cod

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You are without doubt the thickest cunt on here. You have made a fool of yourself so many times at the hands of so many but continue to do so. You are pitiful.


Go and get vaccinated Johnny.

Vaccination is the way out of this. We agree on something.

16,135 UK cases today, an increase of 7,080 from this day last week.

Our equivalent when adjusted for population would be 1,185 cases.

How’s that feeding in to hospital numbers. Not having a go I’ve genuinely just stopped following the news

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