Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Yer man on morning Ireland this morning said not very much and that it was grand to fire ahead.

The situation is very serious, we are facing another lock-down, cases are going of the charts and everyone is very concerned, the bad news coming through today is that the delta + variant evades all known vaccines

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England 183 daily admissions on June 21st is the latest daily figure I can find.

Scotland has around 28/29 per day at the moment.

England bottomed out at 75 per day on May 15th.


The delta variant is growing exponentially, roughly doubling every 9 days. professor Neil Ferguson says we are facing 100,000 cases a days in mid july, and the prospect of burning dead bodies on the sides of the Thames due to the lack of graves, look what happened in India a few weeks back. The most common symptom of this savage illness is a runny nose and maybe a headache, you’d do well to survive it


I’m hearing that rolling curfews are only days away in London.

The British army is on standby, the Nightingale hospitals are about to opened again, all the good work is about to be undone


the genome sequencing in the UK is world beating and top class, this is a very serious situation we are facing here, the next two weeks are critical

Not in india though

D’ye think they’ll have patients and nurses this time?

Delta + is exploding there ffs, the K417N strain first discovered in Nepal has mutated with the original delta variant into a variant which can evade the vaccines, it is very concerning

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Indoor dining in Ireland need to be postponed indefinitely


Put a fork in it, it’s done (until August).

Matt Cooper has taken to calling NPHET ENFET instead of NEFET for some reason. Very strange.


Who’s the gimp going on about his grey hair? A garde A spoofer if ever I saw one

Cribbo is a no nonsense operator

Martin Kenny, SF.

A republican, not a publican.

A complete fraud. Its the publics own fault he reckons they are facing another lockdown.

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Hon Cribbo

Cashing in :moneybag::moneybag: