Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

ISAG in a nutshell

He’s spot on. I was only saying the other day that the delta variant warrants a pause on reopening and provides the perfect backdrop for a zero Covid approach. It’s never too late to do the right thing.

Luke O’Neill on NT says once adults are vaccinated then it doesn’t spread to children based on US and Israel and Brazilian evidence.

Staines and @mikehunt have shorted aviation stocks :thinking:

Just shows how far from reality the ISAG lads are

I think it’s fascinating that certain posters here are so up front that they prioritise airline shareholders over public health.


It’s not too late to fully shut down so we can fully reopen :joy:

They’re so fucking disingenuous. Absolute attention seeking lying scumbags.


Some lads here would remind you of Henry Shefflin trying to play through his cruciate injury in 2010.

Fuck going through all that rehab! Play on!

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ISAG could open fire on a whole classroom of stealth bombers with submachine guns and a few lads would still defend them.

An acceptance that we have to live with this, like we do with flu and other illnesses, is beyond them.

It’s incredible. Down to 13 in ICU and they still want society completely shut down.

They’ll never actually come out and say what they want to happen because they know most normal people would be horrified at the restrictions that would involve and also know that they are unworkable. Instead we just get vague condescending tweets and radio interviews that NEVER contain any details and just hints at totally unworkable “solutions” that really they are just too important and intelligent to explain to us plebs. They’re absolute scumbags and should be treated as such when this clusterfuck is over.


Recover Air IE are an initiative of the unions working in aviation who are concerned their jobs may never recover. You’d want to be a real dickhead to be tweeting at them saying they’re only concerned about airline shareholders wealth. He really is a horrible little man.


Spot on.

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ISAG have an awful lot of lads on this forum would up something fierce. The discomfort among these posters is tangible when Staines or McLysaght or Ryan fire in a well timed hand grenade.

At the heart of this discomfort is a vicious cognitive dissonance. What really kills lads here is that they know, deep down, that the ISAG people are correct – whereas they’ve been talking bollocks for 15 months.

But it’s too late now for lads here to admit they were wrong, there’s a huge amount of pride involved, INTERNET personas have to be protected at all costs. The sunken costs involved are enormous. You can’t be seen to lose face. “Likes” and sympathetic replies soothe badly wounded egos. A Kool Aid circle jerk. OIUTF is and always has been a religion to these lads.

So when you see a tweet by an ISAG person here, you can sense the tension ramping up among the OIUTF lads. They’re forced to wade ever deeper into the quicksand of denial.

Every tweet cuts them. Kills them. They squirm.

It’s fascinating.

Staines, McLysaght, Ryan, Sidney. I’d say most people would be happy enough on the other side of the fence to those desperate cunts.


And the next response for them is always that they want “support” for aviation. Support for aviation wouldn’t just be to Ryanair and Aer Lingus, it would be to hundreds of companies relying on connectivity. In their dreamland we shut to 2023 (as per Gerry Killeen) and keep paying until then. But it will be beyond that, because the most important point is the investment cycle for businesses. No business will invest in an industry in Ireland like that when a Government effectively says they will shutter it for years. That will impact right through the decade, because investment now creates activity down the track.

The only way you can be a Zero Covider in Ireland now and suggest it is possible is to demand Ireland leaves the EU, shuts its border to NI and takes all the trading consequences that go with it. It’s infuriating how disingenuous they are.


But maybe if we just asked the DUP to join us in sealing ourselves off from Britain?

The best way to save aviation is to continue to let Covid rip as much as possible and therefore ensure people can’t and don’t want to fly, ensuring aviation is killed off.

This has genuinely been the religion on this forum.

Good idea.

Smart, ballsy.

It is infuriating how disingenuous they are but what is more infuriating is the media that gives them airtime without questioning them. All it would take would be one interviewer to press them and say tell us what you want to happen, tell us how to achieve what you are talking about. We saw a glimpse of it when McLysaght was pressed a bit and she started shiteing on about just fixing the border issue and a network of staffless petrol stations for foreign lorry drivers appearing overnight. Just a load of unworkable theoretical waffle that unfortunately is being lapped up by some unfortunates in this country.