Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Paddy just wants everyone to love him

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General Humbert is on the way

Meanwhile Paddy adds Mongolia to the backwards MHQ system and waves the UK on through, you literally couldn’t make it up.


I’d be very suspicious over the lack of reporting of death figures also, easy to cite the cyber attack yet they are able to categorically state the increased incidence of the deadly Delta variant.

I’d venture the death rates have fallen off a cliff/reduced dramatically but announcing it wouldn’t suit the narrative ahead of the continued restrictions to be announced next week.

If the death rate had spiked in recent weeks they’d be screaming it from the rooftops.


You’ve an awfully suspicious mind.

You can’t go on forever with a suspicious mind

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NI experience suggests that the vaccine breaks the link between case numbers and hospitalisations.

Thats hardly true at all. For weeks they couldnt give localised or regional reports on cases and didnt stray away from that even though there was a serious outbreaks in certain counties.

But they didnt have the numbers for any county because of the hack you see, so you didnt for example hear anything about how Limerick had a serious outbreak and how there was over 800 cases in two weeks and an incident rate of over 450 per 100,000 with accurate up to date daily cases on Limerick but no where else.

oh wait now…


I suppose that’s that then


Karl Mullis said nothing about Covid as he was dead before it emerged.

Nobody is being forced to take a vaccine.

This is really great news. All indicators moving right direction. There really should be no excuse for not opening up 5 July and it seems all the panic of the last few days is much ado about nothing.

The only thing that can stop us now is the new made up metric % delta of delta variant in relation to all other cases week over week but if overall cases remain low or static at current levels it should be no reason for concern.


Hospital cases took a wee spike over 40 again in the last few days.

Drip drip

They throw it out once a month. Tony is out of pocket change from January as gylnn spent it all while he was on compassionate leave.

Its the same as the break down by county. They can easily pull the figures from the spreadsheet. Only limerick did this to push fear a few weeks back

Keith Barry is OIUTF

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NZ has a very good wine industry. They’ve pretty much the same population as us and would you believe they’re an island nation. I’d go so far as to describe them as a “successful real world example” of an indigenous wine industry.

If I bemoan over and over again that Ireland doesn’t have a wine industry while pointing repeatedly at NZ should my argument be considered “legitimate”?


Israel is reporting a new surge in Covid, driven by the delta variant. 50% of those infected had been vaccinated, no serious illness as yet.

cc @Tassotti @glenshane

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Parce qur les variants viennent des vaccinations

If we’re going to get out of this the metric for post vaccination will have to be serious illness. Hopefully vaccine stops that. So far I think it does.

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Among the vaccinated?

Among anyone.