Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

It’s a joke. They’ll delay the opening until the middle of august. As this date approaches there’ll be worry over schools reopening and they’ll postpone it again.

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Just open up and get on with it. Most people over 40 have now had at least on shot of the vaccine so just get on with it.


Laughable, all the businesses they are destroying and 13 in ICU.


@glasagusban badly wrong again. The shambolic vaccine rollout pushing the opening up back to August.

I think we’ll proceed with reopening.

I’d like to see more emphasis put on ventilation and the pointless rules on distancing done away with. I wouldn’t mind more restrictions on numbers indoors if they increased numbers that could do things outdoors, like attend matches. I think that would be sensible.


The irony is the lads here who claim to be the most OIUTF are generally those who most admire authoritarians. And I think that’s generally true for society as a whole too.

They’re all over the place.

I honestly haven’t a clue what you’re on about and I don’t think you do either.

Having a wine industry is dependent on climate. Covid spread is not dependent on climate.

Bizarre reference.

What sort of “emphasis” would you like put on ventilation? ie. What sort of rules would there be and who would impose them? How many pubs and restaurants are there in the country? How much does a proper ventilation system cost?

If antigen testing was to be introduced, how many tests per day would need to be carried out? Who would carry them out? My understanding is that Denmark is conducting something like 200k PCR tests per day and 500k antigen tests per day.

Denmark’s system seems to be working OK right now, but will that be the case if the Delta variant spreads?

Also in Denmark, privilege is given to those who have had a test recently. If you don’t have a short term pass issued by the state, you don’t get entry to bars or restaurants.

The feeling among a lot of posters here seems to be that they are not willing to put up with this. They call it “apartheid”.

I can just imagine Paddy trying to enforce a Corona Pass system in pubs. It would be hilarious.

You’re right. Why try to grapple with tricky questions that would enable us to proceed safely.

We should go for zero covid.

That’s not much of an answer.

As I explained yesterday, I don’t think there’s any point in trying to engage with you in good faith on this topic, because you are unwilling to.

I think you’ll find it was NPHET and Government saying that we needed to avoid a societal apartheid by asking vulnerable people to stay at home


Personally I think you’ve consistently engaged in bad faith on this for quite a while now but I’m still willing to engage with you.

If you aren’t I think it only undermines you, not me.

Sure the “focussed protection” people, who have been championed by the self styled “freedom lovers” here, were asking for a much greater level of societal “apartheid”, and for a much longer time.

Are you saying that Government asking people in older age groups to stay home during the peaks of a pandemic was anything other than sensible?

This guy consistently makes excellent points.

The indicators are moving in the right direction because of the very public health measures that the OIUTF crowd have so derided.

The reason the July 5th reopening is likely to be postponed, and should be postponed, is because it is expected that the Delta variant will spread quite significantly, and it would be idiocy to pour petrol on the flames of its spread by packing hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated people into indoor settings.

False hope is a terrible thing. I’ve never believed in false hope. Throughout the spring, this forum was clamouring to be given hope. Yis can’t complain when that hope turns out to have been false. Yis were warned.

Patience is a virtue. But in our new, all singing, all dancing “I want it now” instant gratification society, patience seems to be old hat. More’s the pity.

“Mandatory Hotel Quarantine is imperfect but it’s better than nothing.”

“Antigen testing isn’t perfect, we couldn’t possibly use it.”


On both of these issues we are massively out of step with the rest of the EU. When you find yourself in such a position you should ask, how likely is it that Paddy is right and everyone else is wrong?


Paddy as a state is correct.

Ordinary punter Paddy on the street has a terrible inferiority complex. Ordinary punter Paddy on the street loves to self-flagellate. Ordinary punter Paddy on the street refuses to believe that Paddy as a state could ever get anything right.

A lot of the time Paddy’s distrust of his government would be justified.

And a lot of the time Paddy’s government’s distrust of Paddy on the street would be justified. It’s justified in the case of Paddy and dhrink. Paddy loves to bend the rules. Paddy with dhrink in him is a walking disaster area.

Paddy’s attitude to the rules and Paddy with dhrink in him is why we can’t have nice things. You can’t trust Paddy.

Paddy needs to lash the vaccine into him before he can have nice things again. Paddy refuses to understand that.

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Paddy can’t trust himself 
but I still say OIUTF !!