Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Across much of Europe schoolchildren self administer a rapid test every week (they’re taught how to do it in school first). If positive they stay at home and get a PCR test done. This catches many cases that would otherwise go undetected. This simple process is replicated across lots of workplaces and industries.

However, Irish people are inherently much thicker than continental schoolchildren, and couldn’t possibly be trusted to self administer a test.

They’d probably pour tonic water into it to fake a positive result and then all hell would break loose.


Down to 36 today.

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I’d say there’s more than a grain of truth to that.

No It’s because of the vaccine you don’t think works well enough.

Jaysus I’d never go to school again. I already had the big tub of butter hidden under my bed.

I’ve pencilled in Wednesday, 18 August, as COVID-19 liberation day following the inevitable delay to the resumption of various indoor activities.

I shall drop my children to crèche on that day at 8am.

I shall commence a 8.5km/9km run from there & end it with a coffee purchase from my local coffee shop.

I shall come home, eat porridge with banana & honey, drink my coffee, shower & get dressed.

I shall walk to the DART station with my life partner & travel to Dublin Pearse.

We shall walk from there to The Shelbourne Hotel & avail of their spa facilities, & then receive relaxing massages.

We shall proceed to The Lord Mayor’s Lounge to enjoy The Shelbourne’s champagne afternoon tea offering.

We shall depart the hotel, buy an ice-cream/gelato nearby & go for a walk in Stephen’s Green.

We’ll take in the notorious Stephen’s Green bandstand area before expanding our walk to make it an unofficial COVID-19 remembrance tour.

We’ll stroll down Grafton Street, scene of various protest marches and Garda baton charges.

We’ll turn left onto Wicklow Street past the International Bar & around onto South William Street, scene of several super-spreader events and running battles between scumbags and waiters.

We’ll then loop back up and head into Neary’s for a few early afternoon pints of glorious Guinness, while keeping an eye out for chronicler of Dublin City life, Roy Curtis.

We shall grudgingly walk back to Dublin Pearse to catch a northbound DART at c.4.40pm.

I shall collect the children from crèche and walk home.

I shall put them to bed, order a takeaway, eat it & then set aside an hour late in the day to battle people on the INTERNET.

Like a contestant on TV’s Bullseye (the version presented by Jim Bowen), I shall retire to bed myself having had a lovely day.

We just need to stick with it for a few more weeks now, guys.


You’re wrong. Britain is much more vaccinated than us and has seen cases rise from 1-2k to over 16k in the last six weeks.

I’ve noticed the way you’ve tried to paint me as anti-vaccine. Very strange behaviour as usual from the OIUTF, anti-public health measures brigade.

WTF are you on about, that’s exactly what this board wants. Why do you think NPHET are blocking the antigen testing and why do you think the board hates them for it?

As for “who would pay for the tests” what an utterly idiotic, disingenuous and deliberately obstructionist question.

The person getting the test would pay for the test. Absolutely anyone I know would pay big money to be able to be sit in a pub or restaurant for a night, never mind the fairly cheap cost of an antigen test. It would just be the same as paying on the door. You’re acting like NPHET are the voice of the pub patron.

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Really shows what the divide is in ireland. Its intergenerational. Being in the younger generation the 55 plus generation has a lot to answer for. People my age have bared the burden of the financial crash, wages, cost of living no access to housing. We grin and bear it.

Now we have sacrificed a lot over the last 19 months to protect the vunerable and elderly. Not a complaint on the roll out plan when based on decending age. And here we are the people who the young people agreed to help have shafted them with I’m alright jack but you cannot live your lives.

I always argued with the auld lad, the generation born between 1955 and 1970, who never left the country (himself included) were the most selfish ever to live in this country.

The under 40s could make a significant difference in this country if they concentrated on important issues rather than cancel culture and wokeism. I’m fucking ashamed of my generation too


I’d say the amount saved on PUP etc would cover the cost of tests many many times over


For every solution Paddy (under the bed) finds a problem


It is in me hole what it wants. This forum wants antigen testing as an empty fig leaf to go mad. They don’t care about its limitations, and they don’t care that we’d need half a million of them rolled out per day, in addition to multiplying our PCR test count probably by four times. And they definitely won’t care for the inconvenience of queueing up for these tests.

Sure there are posters on this forum who won’t even get vaccinated.

Paddy is not a serious person.

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Who the fuck are you to tell me what I do or do not want?

Who the fuck is Paddy? What the fuck are you on about?

And they definitely won’t care for the inconvenience of queueing up for these tests.

WTAF? Can patrons not decide themselves what is and is not acceptable? Who the fuck are you to tell someone “I won’t let you do this because it’s an unacceptable wait for a pub/ restaurant / nightclub”?

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Antigen testing is simple tell people to test at home. Bring if negative or get a pcr if positive and stay at home. Yes it is open for abuse as nphet gave a demonstration for anyone who wants. We have to trust that people will do this. 99.9% of people will follow

You have no friends telling you they’d pay big money to go to a pub because you’ve no friends.

Get fucked.


I went to Portstewart to go to a pub, I went to Krakow to go to a nightclub, you’re talking about inconvenience?

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You’re proving my point beautifully.

What the fuck was your point? The inconvenience?