Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

surely someone with an ounce of wit should be firing in a PQ about non essential staff getting the vaccine?

They’ll probably hold back Moderna as the supplies are so limited. Unless they are for those waiting on a 2nd jab.

They have only administered 22k Moderna vaccines up to Monday 22nd.

So they should be well able to roll out 10-20k this week and still have enough sitting in a fridge for second doses.

Haven’t they also said they expect Moderna to meet their commitments of 100k vaccines in Q1 so a further 33k should be arriving before the month end.

Going by that:

Pfizer 530k/571k = 93% administered
Moderna 22k/68k = 32% administered
AZ 138k/216k = 64% administered

Given that there is a 10-12 week lag with the AZ vaccine, that means they are almost certainly all first doses.

I think the target for this week should be:

Pfizer 60k
AZ 50
Moderna 20k

This doesn’t bode well when we start ramping up. 20% received so far sitting in a fridge. Eggs 7 day turnaround on vaccine in flitters already

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Surely it’s going to be easier administer faster when you start going for big numbers? Mass vaccination centres a lot easier to run than delivering a few here and there to doctors clinics etc.

People need to chill out a bit. Small delays now are going to be caught up with and overtaken in days when we’re doing a million a month. Everything will change massively in the space of a month or two.


50% plus more seems an absolutely ridiculous logic. Surely the maximum reserve capacity you need is for whatever 1st doses have been administered. Once that has been covered everything else should be given out immediately. No vaccine should have more than 50% of its stock sitting in a fridge.

Yeah it should be easier so long as they have got the staffing right.

I would remain concerned about the IT systems.

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The only way the HSE will be able to pull it off is by us being awash with vaccines and just lashing out (which is hopefully what will happen). If there is precision planning required you can forget about it.


Yeah this didn’t happen. :rofl:

Is Seoirse a liar?

On the Moderna:

6th February

1,893 vaccines administered - we’ll presume these are all first doses.

Jump forward 4 weeks.

So we will presume that a further 1,893 were second doses.
Meaning 7,803 need to be held back for second doses by the 3rd April a good sized chunk of these are probably already given out in the current 22k figure - we’ll say 50% for argument sake.

So 22k doses given:
1,893 x 2 = 3,786
3,500 x 2 = 7,000

So we will say 11k needs to be kept in reserve for second doses what has been administered to date.

So there is probably 46k Moderna vaccines available, 11k needed for second doses.
So you then have an extra 35k, they should be well able to throw 17k of those out this week to people with first doses. You then keep your remainder for the second doses until such time as a new order comes, deliver half, keep half in store.

And that’s being very conservative.

The Moderna numbers are pitiful.

A Liverpool fan and political cynic. He’s almost certainly a liar.

Simon Donnelly :poop:

And over a million doses in the next 5 days :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That’s what we will be. A million a month will change things massively. There’ll be loads of teething problems and anecdotal issues and gnashing and wailing about inefficiency but the main thing is we’ll be powering through the population with vaccines. It’s going to change things fast, people will be really surprised at it.

There’ll be a huge catch up job later if vaccines are going to have to be administered annually or whatever, but once we’re at the million a month level it’s all about the “quick and dirty” job, lash it out, don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

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I liked Simon Donnelly, you don’t get too many midget strikers anymore these days. They are usually made wingers or false nines or no 10s.

Seoirse is not to be trusted.

They are holding back extra first doses in case they don’t get second doses. On top of the second doses they are holding back already. Sweet jebus.

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April is D-Day for this whole thing. 1m vaccinations is what we’ve done in total and a more besides.
They simply cannot fuck this up.

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