Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

July looks like a write off now, let’s delay things by three weeks so more people can be vaccinated. Might as well delay any reopening until everyone is vaccinated. :frowning:

How can their be a spike if most of the vulnerable are vacinnated?

Work it out. It’s not hard to do.

Yes it just seems there is no end to it. One could possibly argue by the time all the 30 and above are fully vaccinated that the cover for most vulnerable cohorts that were vaccinated at the start of the year will be up for renewal or need to be applied again in the form of booster vaccinations. We will soon be at a crossroads where all over 50’s and 60’s will be fully vaccinated and ultimately it will be a case of either continuing to rubber stamp NPHETs singular conservative approach or to govern. Primary schools closing today across the country will see case numbers fall much closer to levels seen last summer.


The 1g vaccines are only a cod anyway. Need to wait to see how the 2g vaccines get on.

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Ireland will be the Japanese Soldiers of Europe.


I thought these vaccines were 5G?

It’s obviously an analogy. I don’t think it’s a particularly complicated one but if you want to intentionally not understand what it refers to then I either over-estimated you or it would add weight to @glasagusban claims that you are often disengnious in how you engage.

To ladybird it for you, repeated references to the zero-covid strategy in NZ being a success aren’t particularly helpful when determining if it could work in Ireland with our own set of circumstances.

Most people accept this - for some reason you seem keen to ignore it.


Maybe there “seems” no end to it for some people because they invested in false hope that this thing would be over quickly. That was never going to be the case. The pan in pandemic means all. The world. Everybody.

It is likely that indoor pubs will not re-open on July 5th. It is likely there will be a further postponement after that. And probably another one after that. That’s what people should be expecting anyway.

The likelihood is that there will have to be a further round of vaccinations after this current one has concluded. And maybe another one after that. And maybe another one after that. That’s what people should be expecting.

Laurie Garrett said in April last year that the next 36 months were going to be shit. Anybody who didn’t mentally budget for that then was deluded. As it is, we’re actually in a considerably better position now, in late June 2021, than could reasonably have been expected in April 2020.

In the mean time, outdoor pubs are open, and people, like me, are using them.

I know it’s an analogy. But the analogy doesn’t work, so it is not helpful.

Claiming people are disingenuous when you disagree with their views is a coping mechanism, a safety valve.

My views are consistently misrepresented by others on this forum. That’s actual disingenuousness.

The analogy doesn’t work for you because it doesn’t fit your argument.

It’s not helpful for you because it doesn’t fit your argument.


To answer your point about disingenuousness.

To say initially “I honestly haven’t a clue what you’re on about” and then within one post to say “I know it’s an analogy” doesn’t particularly strike me as someone engaging in good faith.

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It was ludicrous analogy. You compared something that is dependent on climate with something that isn’t.

You might as well have said “Northern Ireland has grass fed beef so the US can’t have a public health system”.

I know it was an attempt at an analogy. I haven’t a clue what the analogy was trying to prove. I hope that helps.

You tell me? I dont understand. No one in ICU.

And you are happy to accept that? Wow.

It really isn’t. If you want to focus on the climate aspect, fair enough but I’m confident that you’ve got a bit more abstract thinking ability within you than that.

Of course. Why would I not be? Why would anybody not be? Vaccinations are the primary tool to get us out of the pandemic. If it’s the case that we need further vaccinations down the road, and at the moment it seems that probably will be the case, I don’t see why anybody wouldn’t be happy to accept it.

A needle in your arm or years more restrictions? Fairly easy choice, isn’t it?


I’d tend to agree with @cheasty on this. There will be an ongoing vaccination program for the foreseeable future. This isn’t a bad thing - it’s a great thing that we’re in a position to do it.

It’s not the vaccinations, your original post came across that we should be kept under the thumb even if it means it will take 1,10,100 rounds of vaccinations until it is safe to do otherwise.

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