Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Iā€™m happy enough to take my chance on Covid guys. I wonā€™t be getting the vaccination.

Itā€™s time to open up.


Given that weā€™re currently in lockdown awaiting vaccinations, you seem to be saying that you would accept 36 months of lockdown

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To be honest I think the odds of people (bar the elderly and vulnerable) taking repeated rounds of vaccinations are fairly slim. They better hope that there is some residual long lasting T-cell immunity from the initial vaccinations that at least confers some level of longer lasting immunity. Even if itā€™s only partial. Most of the younger elements in society are not going to be lining up for repeated jabs every 9 months once they feel their elderly relatives are protected. They know the risks to themselves are minimal.


On this, I had a thought last night:

NPHET are already concerned about re-opening for Winter because they are concerned that our immune systems are all low because weā€™ve all been isolating (or thatā€™s what they think) so a lot of people will get flus and hospitals will be full anyway. It is likely that this will be used as an argument against reopening in winter.

It occurs to me that as time goes on this effect will get more and more pronounced and it will get harder and harder to reopen. We donā€™t really know how extreme this effect will get. Lockdown might become a very vicious cycle to break. Itā€™s unknown territory. The effect will also be problematic in places like Australia.

Worst case scenario is that we arrive in a situation where the Irish, Aussies and Kiwis are unable to end their restrictions because thereā€™s a vicious flu strain thatā€™s knocking them down as if theyā€™re native American Indians whereas the rest of the world just opens up and carries on. The medical junta in those countres will have to give it a scary name and pretend that itā€™s not just a regular flu. The rest of the world will be bemused. Strictly speaking thereā€™s no such thing as a regular flu, itā€™s just a name thatā€™s given to a smogasbord of different quotidian viruses, all of which could be given different names if we were so inclined.


Ireland will be stuck in some form of lockdown for years to come


The flu is the biggest thing coming this winter, there is no herd immunity built up as there was no flu season this year due to people being locked up

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Christ above.

Thereā€™s lads here that never want to reopen. They must love the 2004 Munster Final

Its like stockholm syndrome, a lot of people are scared to re emerge into a fully open society because of the way the Irish media have carried on


The media never want it to end. Itā€™s making them a fortune

Lockdown comin in uk, get out while you still can. Go to AUSTRALIA, a proper country.

God help us if a bad flu strain comes along this winter. It took a year off, but itā€™s waiting in the long grass to pounce.

Gortnabollix syndrome

Theyā€™ll have to give that flu an awful fancy name

here we go again

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La Lambada Came from Brazil in ā€˜89ā€¦

We are not in lockdown. And stop being so disingenuous. Iā€™ll hold my breath waiting for those posters who have decided to play the fake ā€œdisingenuousā€ card over my contributions here, to play it about your actual disingenuous contributions.

Seems any sort of disingenuousness from your ā€œsideā€ (and thatā€™s what it is) is acceptable to yis.

You need to stop reading what I write as if it says what you want it to say, and read what it actually says.

George has his mojo back here on the news.

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Iā€™m back under the bed listening to him.