Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Twas a very harmless strain we had in March 2020

This delta is the real deal. None of us are safe.

Be cool lads. Be cool.

Public Health England (PHE) has said that a new strain, Lambda, has been designated as a variant under investigation.

Sky News reports that PHE detected six cases of the variant between 23 February and 7 June - five of which were connected to overseas travel.

PHE said that vaccines continue to have a “crucial effect on hospital admission and death” and that there is no evidence that the new variant causes more severe sickness or is less responsive to vaccines.

What is going to be the play to instill worry into people who are fully vaccinated in a few months time? Will it be variants that break the vaccine, doubts cast on vaccine effectiveness, children being in danger, animals? Will be interesting to see their weapon of choice.

When the last cohort get the vaccine the earlier cohorts will be losing immunity and in need to the booster shots, which Egghead will gleefully wheel into the warehouse on a forklift and then leave in a fridge for a few months.

They’d be ticked pink if they could make a case for a florida variant…be the perfect revenge for that de santis fella sending them all home with their tae in a mug

Last weekend I was made stand on the street until midnight, when suddenly a big paddy van arrived and about 6 cops jumped out and pushed everyone offline they were herding cattle out of a field. You’re telling me we’re not in lockdown. You have absolutely and utterly lost the plot. You are completely insane.


You look dodgy though in fairness

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Whatever about lockdown

We’re not in Kansas anymore.


Wear some clothes the next time you’re milking your imaginary cows, and you’ll be fine buddy. :wink:

You see you say this as if you’ve decided as fact that there is some sort of conspiracy at play, and to be fair you’re far from the only poster who has this line of thinking.

Who do you think wants restrictions - as opposed to acknowledging the necessity of them - and why?

Governments don’t want them, restrictions make them unpopular and they necessitate large amounts of money to keep people afloat.

Businesses don’t want them, restrictions cost them money. Ordinary people don’t want them because they make life precarious yet dull and joyless.

So who is part of this conspiracy to impose ongoing restrictions? The only people left are so called “Big Medicine”, “Big Science”, “Big Pharma” and “Big Media”.

Doctors and nurses and everybody else working in the medical and scientific fields would only love Covid to be over. Covid has been a nightmare for them. Pressure has been heaped on them in a way that has never happened before.

The pharmaceutical industry and the media are made up of actual people, who have actual lives, and who themselves want the Covid pandemic to end. The same with the media. Do you think journalists like pubs being shut? The whole point of journalism is that you’re supposed to effectively live in a pub, well it used to be at any rate.

If people believe that Covid or Covid restrictions are a conspiracy by so called “Big Pharma” or “Big Media”, I think there’s very little that will persuade them otherwise. I don’t think you can use reason or facts to persuade people who believe irrational beliefs that those beliefs are wrong.

There is no conspiracy.

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I agree with you there is no over arching conspiracy like that. But there is DEFINITELY an element of the public health experts in Ireland being overly cautious as they have been on full pay throughout and there is an element who are anti alcohol.

Correct on both points (I was tempted to type pints) plus the biggie… these lads (mostly male btw despite MDs being mostly female these days) spent their career to date waiting for this opportunity and don’t want to let go. Tony houlihan getting and accepting the freedom of Dublin sickened my shit.



[quote=“ciarancareyshurlingarmy, post:4474, topic:33952, full:true”]
** Tony houlihan getting and accepting the freedom of Dublin sickened my shit.**
Absolutely grotesque, its a jury he should be facing


Freedom of the city which he is trying to shut down for years to come. He would have done well in Dublin castle 150 years ago.

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Not a conspiracy person.

I just think that society is bending at an unsutainable rate in the last few years to accomodate every whim and upset person’s viewpoint, much of this is due to social media, and every jackdaw like you and I, has an opinion and the people advising govt are reading these and are hyper sensitive to this, to justify their salaries and feel reward in their jobs. Every breeze that will make someone look current, sensitive and with it, will be hooshed on aggresively - with zero thought for longer affects.

This is the new flu, that’s what it’s going to be. That’s its place on the podium of world disease - we have a way of not making you even remotely sick and or dying, though. Unfortunately, it’s a massive virtue signalling moment for some people at the top of the class, and it’s been said a thousand times, but power (notionally, or not) and influence is hard to give up.

People are mistaking this new variant (June 25th - stay tuned or get the new variant on the Player ahead of next week’s episode) for hayfever.

This has gone on long enough, now. We’ve paid our due dilligence and quite frankly, fuck off.


The constantly outraged now have their moaning listened to. The under 25s moaned enough about soft issues instead of looking at the real issues.

You because your life was already dull and joyless and now you can drag other people down to your level.

Also NPHET want to extend it solely because they’re now in a position of power and it is human nature to never let a position of power go - deceive yourself into inventing a reason for why you’re continuing power is justified and necessary.

This is the pattern seen throughout human history. There was a social experiment done in one of the US colleges once where they took some random people into a prison and made them prisoners and then they took some other random people and made them guards. Everybody knew they were all regular people and it was just an experiment but they had to act out the roles. After a few weeks the guards were talking to each other about how they could never let the prisoners out again and the experiment had to be stopped because it was getting too dangerous. NPHET is like that.

Also various public health experts want the lockdown to continue because it makes them rich and famous.

Also RTE want the lockdown to continue because their main advertiser is now the government and they have increased their viewing figures. It’s helping them get close to breaking even.

My friend wants the lockdown to continue so she can work from home and spend more time with her young daughter. A lot of people I know want it to continue so they can work from home.

So a lot of people want lockdown to continue.


You can forget about indoor dining lads