Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Most country pubs are serving indoors


I literally quoted exactly what you said, in context.

It speaks for itself.

There’s no reason.

The self appointed OIUTF “experts” on this forum don’t do early warnings. They demand “evidence”. But no evidence is ever good enough for them. By this logic, there was no evidence that the apartment block in Florida that collapsed could ever do so.

And in the event that early warning signs are acted on and a problem headed off or lessened, this is taken by them as “evidence” that the thing that was being warned about was never a threat in the first place.

You can’t win with these people. They are always “right”. Whatever happens.

All the TFKers who have being blowing on about how high the quality of apartment construction in Florida is for the last few years with serious egg on their face now.


We should never ask for evidence. Evidence is a cod

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Indeed. It says your post was nonsense.

You’re seriously losing the plot, mate. Genuinely. I’m a wee bit worried about you, you know. I never thought you’d be susceptible to internet brain.

You’ve made it quite clear during the pandemic that this is your view. You don’t have to repeat it again.

Back at you pal :man_shrugging:

It’s amazing how glas has come to his senses while completely losing his mind

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I don’t claim victories. I earn them.



You’ve told me truck drivers don’t use the airport. I’m taking nothing you say seriously

Paddy knows better

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Prof Paddy Mallon goes OIUTF. Zero Coviders take umbrage.

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A real scientific breakthrough would be to fuck that ryan gimp into a river


Whsts done is done. I’m going to the opera tonight with Sean Dyche

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Intergenerational discrimination

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