Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

What I find absolutely puzzling about your position is that you say you’re in favour of opening the pubs on July 5th, and yet you’re also in favour of MHQ from Britain.

These two positions are completely contradictory.

How can you be in favour of one but not the other?

Because you either think the variant is a threat or it isn’t. And we know you think it is. Because otherwise you wouldn’t be in favour of MHQ from Britain.

That then makes your demand to open indoor pubs in Ireland totally illogical. Because bad as travel from Britain is in promoting spread of the Delta variant in Ireland, opening the pubs would be far worse in promoting spread.

I can’t get my head around how somebody would arrive at these two totally contradictory positions.

Is that from 900k people vaccinated who got Covid, 1,200 were hospitalised? Eg 900k of the 120m or whatever amount of Americans who got vaccinated ended up testing positive for Covid and just 1,200 of these were actually hopsitalised.

Or is it just from 900k people who got the vaccine, 1,200 were hosptialised with Covid?

You’ve misrepresented what I’ve said once again. I’ve explained clearly how MHQ should operate if it is to operate at all.

In any event we can all rest assured today that the Kyrgistanis will be prevented from arriving in and running amok and “undoing all our our hard work”, thanks to our pointless ridiculous and racist MHQ system.

I think that all data around effectiveness being reported has been Conservative. Which is a fair assumption for those reporting the data to make. Great to see figures like that, from the real world completely blowing predictions for effectiveness out of the water compared to initial plans back in dec/jan

Incredible scenes as Sam McConkey says on Scare Byrne that indoor dining should ‘cautiously’ reopen as expected on July 5th.

Covid Claire was absolutely aghast.


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

What does he mean by that?

Maybe don’t have a rave or something. I’d be ok with that tbh.

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Just have a main course for your first meal

Eat and drink with a mask on Is what he is saying when asked to expand.

At no stage on this thread have I ever misrepresented you. You’re being disingenuous yet again. As you have been throughout the thread.

Your positions are contradictory. There is no way around this.

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So you say. But that’s wrong. I would not apply MHQ to the UK. You said that I said that. That’s a misrepresentation. I would not apply MHQ in its current form to anywhere, and I’ve already explained twice how it might operate sensibly.

If you want to be taken seriously maybe engage with what I actually say rather than the things that you make up that I say.

In terms of contradictory, that’s a bit rich from a guy who thinks we can’t have testing like Denmark has, but maintains (bizarrely) that we could have a zero covid policy like NZ has.


From an accountability point of view the government could open as planned on the 5th and ‘strongly advise’ non doubly vaccinated or at risk from partaking in indoor gatherings. When Twitter goes mad, point out that people were acting against public health advice.

You said and now you’re unsaying it.

You talk about Denmark but don’t want what Denmark has.

Jesus Christ, man, step away from the keyboard, you’re making a fool of yourself.

This post is unintelligible.


Strongly advise would be the way to go alright…

A Government spokesman said the argument for a vaccine bonus of access to meals and drinks for the fully vaccinated might appear a tempting idea, but fell down on some fronts.

They included how to establish that customers were vaccinated, and even if a certain age of admission was set, it risked jeopardising public support for the overall campaign.

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan said the main problem would be how to tell the vaccine status or diners or drinkers. “You would be having in every pub or every restaurant people having to show evidence and so on – we’re not set up to do that,” he said.

I would say the real reason is the unfair division it would create in society and they’re right to stay wide of a two tier system if possible.

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Fucking hell

But that’s what Denmark does. It discriminates on the basis of vaccination and negative tests.