Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

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have your papers ready paddy if you want a drink


What if I just smear butter on a piece of paper and claim its my vaccination cert?


In 3 weeks we could have the crazy situation where I, a fully vaccinated individual (and frontline worker) cant walk down the road to have a pint in the local, but I can (and likely will) go to Spain or Italy and have a perfectly legal pint there

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Anyone have a number for the Rathkeale Rovers?


other reports suggest several weeks before paddy can sit in a proper pub :sweat_smile: then maybe another few


Young people you need to suffer in solidarity with the elderly for the greater good.
Also young people we are vaccinated now go fuck yourselves


I put one in MHQ recently for about half an hour before he walked out the front door. He abused me to high heaven whilst I did (thanks zero-COVIDers) but I never got his number. Soz

Imagine a rural publican asking for proof of vaccine before serving :smile:

‘Sorry pal, you can’t have your 21st here unless I see proof of those jabs.’

Is Michael McNamara SC, the Clare TD?

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Nphet warns Delta variant could infect thousands per day in August leading to a ‘peak of deaths’

Ive seen plenty of barmen offering shots for a look at the jabs

Not allowed inside a pub or restaurant unless they’re working unvaccinated for minimum wage. There’ll surely be ructions if they proceed with that. :joy:


A great move by NPHET.
They haven’t stopped indoor dining and drinking, the governments failure to have a proper vaccination record system has.


What would really set this off is a Rorys Stories skit about bouncers not letting unvaccinated people in. It writes itself.


It would be an absolutely crazy decision for the government to do that. People in their 20s are months away from being fully vaccinated. Completely unfair to ask bar staff to police that as well.

This is fantastic news. I hope NPHET go in heavy on this recommendation. It can’t be accepted. Government then has to depart from nphets advice. Nphet becomes irrelevant.


It’s bullshit.

If NPHET propose vaccinated people can attend intercounty championship matches but the unvaccinated cannot then I’ll do a Sam McDonkey and pivot back to supporting NPHET unconditionally.

Holohan Holohan Holohan.