Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You’ll need to bring the flares in lieu of @Copper_pipe

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2 tier society discriminating on the young people again. The I’m alright jack over 50s ffg voters will be ecstatic. As I’ve highlighted the hypocrisy of this age group is disgusting. Itelands selfish generation


We need a string left for this. Standing up for workers rights, particularly the minimum wage workers without a union.

The mental gymnastics will win us gold in Toyko

There isn’t a hope in hell they’ll try to implement this. They’ll settle for the 2 week delay instead of trying to deal with that shit storm.

By fully vaccinated do they mean 2 jabs or 2 jabs plus 2 weeks?

They couldn’t give a toss the under 30s don’t vote ffg. It’s a demographic they could do without

Definitely the plus 2 weeks option.

Can’t see them bringing this in though. It’s just NPHET trying to look reasonable by proposing something but they know full well it’s not practical to implement.

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Then your gain is case load of 900 instead of 1000, what the fuck is the point in that.


It won’t work anyway. If the vaccination card that I have is anything to go by, you’d have it forged in about three minutes and no one would know the difference


They’re gas. A few weeks ago when it was mentioned that fully vaccinated people shouldn’t have to go into MHQ, the DoH and NPHET boffins questioned how the paper work could be enforced.

Now they want to bring it in for day to day activities.

They are absolutely useless, their behaviour as an advisory body is shocking.


So the restaurant or bar staff would have to check your vaccination card against your photo ID? I’m sure they will love having to police that.

What about kids, are they OK to be indoors once they are with a vaccinated adult?

How about we open pubs and restaurants and if people don’t want to go to them then don’t go.

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At times like this you’d wish we had a rogue like CJH or Bertie in charge, they’d say ‘fuck it, live and let live. Mind yourself but we’re opening up.’


Who is going to die? The vaccinated? The young?

Everyone eventually. So they are.

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You’ll die and I’ll die.

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Eilish wants to keep the NPHET party going

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It just makes reading stuff like this more annoying. If they want to vaccinate as many people as possible then let’s bloody vaccinate them!

Paddy will be forging vaccination certs. He loves to bend the rules.,

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I’ll be free August Bank Holiday weekend

Its nphet. We will have a video on Wednesday on hownit can be forged

The Brits backed out of using vaccination certs inspite of having high vaccination rates. I don’t think the Israelis bother with them either. The totalitarian Hungarians use them though.