Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

These utter fucking cunts. Iā€™m only signed up for my first jab next Monday. Could have gotten it far earlier but just wasnā€™t that bothered. Now I canā€™t go out for about 2 months probably. I have fucking less social life than before.

In other news I fully support this plan and in fact Iā€™m the one who came up with it.


Should be operational by 1 September

Iā€™m all for me and a few nurses only allowed in Coppers

Iā€™ve no idea whether the NPHET modelling is good or not. However having black-box models that are not open to review inevitably fosters suspicion.

I canā€™t see any good reason why the details of the models shouldnā€™t be published extensively.

Remember I said they will make a two tier society with vaccine passes and you labelled me a conspiracy theorist? Look what happened altogether its not as malicious I thought it would but more ineptitude thatā€™s create it


Serves you right for giving in to coercion

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Yet again they are going to bounced into a ham-fisted, rushed introduction of measures that they should have been contingency planning for since vaccines were announced.

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Yes, I was going to tag you. I hold my hand up and apologise to you if it comes through. If they do this I will have lost all faith in us as being a sensible country.

Thereā€™s ways we could have everything open for 95% of the population, none of which have been explored. This is a major failing of our government and opposition. Weā€™re being failed and itā€™s too late now. Weā€™ll be paying back debt all our adult life.

People are literally complaining that their individual freedom isnā€™t being taken away properly. Some mugs in fairness


Surely they will publish these stark warnings fully?

Claire Byrne just tweeted that the government are staging a blatant coup against nphet.
You literally couldnā€™t make it up

Did you just?

Iā€™ll check later

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Ah here.

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I accept your Internet apology mate, I hate I was correct on this call. Iā€™m more disappointed that this is only being implemented in ireland. We should know better as we believe we are a human right beacon for oppressed people around the world. I was of the belief that the EU would bring something like this in based on what we have seen throughout European history. But the EU surly will come out against this.

All things said wtf are they thinking? A social apartide and 2 tier society. Anyone who still believe we are in this together are morons. I will be in the first 20% of under 30s fully vaxxed. Thatā€™s not good enough, Iā€™m not special or deserve special status because I have neck.

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Cases is such a weak, easily manipulated, metric.

Back in October we were, based on WHO estimates, off on cases by a factor of 13. i.e. For every one case we found 13 others were infected and not detected. Yet, here we are, months later, using the same bad metric to come up with our strategy. Iā€™d be fairly confident that gap has not been closed in the meantime.

Hospitalisations and ICU are far better metrics but the vast majority of the commentary we hear about is cases even when the largest cohorts of people are largely protected from the more dangerous outcomes. The whole conversation needs to change to acceptable risk. Cases with mild or asymptomatic outcomes are within the area acceptable risk especially given the main risk being removed from older and predisposed cohorts.


By mid July Jose the vaccinated European will be able to fly in from Spain or wherever and have a pint inside in the pub down the road, but I wonā€™t :smiley:

But I can fly to Spain and have one

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I still donā€™t think it will come in. But it shows you how disfunctional nphet is that they are proposing it.