Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

They were warning on the news last night to be careful mild hay fever could actually be the vicious new covid delta variant.
Vaccinate vulnerable and fuck off the stage

I had to explain to a company I am working with in Spain about our restrictions yesterday about travelling here. They are coming in the next few days. They couldn’t believe the hoops they have to jump through and a PCR is mandatory.

Yourman was in nightclubs over the weekend.

I don’t think after the kite flying and reaction.

I’m currently emailing my TDs if it’s any use. They probably have a rule turned on for my mails to go to the bin.


Life is a tiered society mate


It would be unworkable practically, is every bar going to inspect people’s covid certs? We don’t even had a QR code system in place yet. It also would be grossly unfair. It won’t com in. NPHET know this of course.

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By September they will be concerned about schools reopening so it will be delayed again.

You have to remember, it’s only a small enough percentage of adults who have had both vaccines - less than half - and you have to assume most people will go balistic at this.

I’d be happier if they went for my plan of letting vaccinated over 50s in on honour system. That seems fairer somehow because then my mates wouldn’t be ahead of me just because they’re fucking obese or because I tried to do things the right way and go through the portal.


Man, I wish I was obese right now. Obese guys are going to get so much sex off the horny nurses, mad to get out and get the ride.

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I have a QR code for my vaccine.

The next week is critical.

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Cases have always been the most important indicator. Everything else flows from it.

Undoubtedly it is. But isn’t it the remit of goverments to try reduce that and make it fair?

We will the woke SJW and left stand on this now after 15 months of be kind, wear a mask and we are in this together?

And it’s weak as piss.

Yup it won’t the facts it is being considered is disturbing. If antigen testing is open to abuse so is any other suggestion

So the proposal is to bring in a system like this, but have it ready in two weeks? So how long would the system last then?

If this was NPHET’s wish, then why wasn’t this communicated months ago so it could be ready? If this was NPHET’s wish, why wasn’t something like Denmark built that allowed for unvaccinated people to show they don’t have Covid?

NPHET are an absolute joke, just PR obsessed clowns at this stage.


homer simpson mumu GIF

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Last autumn thus forum was falling over itself to tell us why the rise in cases didn’t matter. They were only young people, so it didn’t matter, treatments had improved, so it didn’t matter, Covid had “weakened”, was only giving people a “glancing blow”, so apparently it didn’t matter.

It was all bollocks.

If they had said this a month ago, it would be fine.

They’ve also completely destroyed the credibility of the NIAC advice on vaccines. No-one can credibly claim that isn’t all political now.

None of that takes away from the fact that it’s a bad metric.

If you and I were standing on the sideline of a game of hurling and you asked me how many humans were on the field and I replied 3 you’d be well within your rights to call me a crazy person.

That’s our primary metric.

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The plan seems to be to spend the next two weeks coming up with another plan.

If NPHET wanted a system to check vaccinations then it should already be a work in progress if not ready for use by now.

It’s bullshit.