Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

They are nutters, insane nutters, 250k in 18 months and they think they will hit 700k in a few months in the summer with vaccinations being rolled out.


NPHET need to be sectioned.


I stand corrected in that case, I though we werenā€™t going to have those until 19 July? I donā€™t think most people whoā€™ve been vaccinated so far have access to one.

Itā€™s not a game of hurling, itā€™s not looking at the wall, itā€™s a pandemic.

Iā€™m guessing we wonā€™t be travelling internationally anywhere either for the foreseeable. Iā€™ve a trip to Portugal booked for mid September that I thought was safe enough - now I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be going.

Youā€™ve got nothing. Fair enough.

You should have just said so.

Keep projecting, mate. Youā€™re wrong on this. Move on.

And no independent analysis. You could not make it up. Well I guess they just did.


A meaningful Christmas so.

There will be mayhem in the big cities with young people turned away for not having a vaccine.

Itā€™s going to be anarchy.

Itā€™s outrageous. I canā€™t believe the Govt are actually entertaining it, this is manna from heaven for Sinn FĆ©in

  1. donā€™t have a system in place
  2. exclude younger folks
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Whatā€™s happened here is NPHET have just fucked this out there, knowing the government canā€™t implement it, meaning reopening will be delayed while they figure it out.


I think thatā€™s exactly it.

CJH would have had Holohan summoned to his island by now and heā€™d be gone by 11am.


I called it a while back that the compromise would be we canā€™t open because not enough were vaccinated but NIAC would open up the use of AZ and Janssen to speed up vaccination and weā€™d look at it again in two weeks.

More theatre

Iā€™m just thinking about this now-

  • Iā€™m getting my first jab on Monday. Iā€™m getting it off my GP because I registered online, like I thought was the right way to do it, but they were so slow.
  • After I get my first jab, Pfizer, I will have to wait 6 to 8 weeks before I can get my second.
  • Then after I get my second I will have to wait another few weeks before I can be classified as ā€œvaccinatedā€ for the purposes of their (outdated) legislation
  • Outdated because it doesnā€™t allow for mixing vaccines, which is now considered the best type of protection.
  • So basically under this plan I wonā€™t be allowed into a pub until the end of September probably
  • Meanwhile all my friends who are fat or invented conditions of just went to their GP will all be having the best summer ever, riding left, right and centre.
  • Yesterday I was annoyed that it might be pushed out for a few weeks after 5 July. Now I find this out.

Tony Holohan must die


All this comes back to the populationā€™s dislike of electronic registration and certification of details etc. In a pandemic you need this stuff.

In Ireland the only way you can prove you have been vaccinated is a paper card you receive at the vaccination location.

This sort of stuff has to be urgently addressed.

But is asking people whether they have been vaccinated or not even legal under GDPR? I mean if Conor Murray can prevent people reporting about what sort of injury he has?

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Think max Gap between first and second Pfizer is 28 days


Who will they be riding? Fully vaccinated 46 year old divorcees?

You are pathetic

Youā€™re thinking of the Az vaccine. Pfizer is 4 weeks between jabs.

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