Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Your Governments have been tiering your society for time incarnate.

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Get on Tinder mate. I believe they’re bringing in a function where each profile tells you vaccination status. You could have something arranged for lunchtime.

You can’t store data about employees vaccination status under GDPR rules. So you can’t ask for it either. The EU electronic app will remove the need to carry around the paper cert.

#disbandnphet trending in Ireland.

There will be a revolution in this century.


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They could open up indoor dining to over 70s next week, over 60s following week etc. No need for vaccine passport as extremely high percentage of people in those age groups have both jabs.

Keep an eye out for spikes.

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Great plan, completely fair

The Big Man has spoken. Game over for NPHET

Night…exit light
Bump my elbow
We’re off to never never land

It’s a risk based approach without the need for a four or six week lead in to come up with a “system”.

@Copper_pipe will rustle us up fake IDs

They urgently need to get this certificate scheme up and running before it becomes obvious that theres absolutely no need for it. Anyone seriously promoting this shit is a treacherous fucker or a misguided fool

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That’s a no to antigen testing so.

I have gone full mentaller. Emailed all 3 Limerock County TDs. Collins and POD got much of my musings on here along with a request not to attempt to canvas my home next GE. Signed off we’re in this together. Unders are not included in the we.

ROD got compliments and a request to continue to call out the goverment and opposition partys for allowing this bullshit, nonsense predictions from a crowd who have been wrong every time.


Am I alone in thinking NPHET don’t want to open hospitality etc as once they do the motivation for the younger cohort of the population to get vaccinated is going to be greatly diminished! This is the carrot and the stick NPHET style. Again. They government get all the blame for the winter surge but it was NPHET who pushed the message to lock down for 6 weeks in October to save Christmas.


I’ve resolved never to vote for anyone who implemented a lockdown, or cheered it on, ever again.

It’s only my own bit by anyone who comes looking for my vote will hear about why.


Yeah perhaps. The Australian vaccine hesitancy seems to be based around the fact that life is pretty much normal and what is the motivation to get vaccinated. So maybe they are looking at a carrot and stick approach but to be honest I think the big elephant in the room is our healthcare system. The saying a grain of rice could tip the scales could be applied to our healthcare system where if 90% of the country were vaccinated and the efficacy was over 90% that there would still be a sizeable minority who would be taking up beds and flooding the system. Then knock on effects on screening, waiting lists etc. You’ve got to think that they want to break the back on some of those waiting lists too while the going is good…But Conversely the country is being held to ransom over it and decades of mismanagement by government.

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It will be the new civil war politics voting for me. FF, FG, Lab, PBP, SF, SD, Greens all supported it. Leaving right wing mentallers, who I won’t vote for. 2 options left are independent like ROD or run myself. I haven’t a hope either, I talk out load like I do here and tend to piss people off. Couldn’t give a toss about what people think when I say something they don’t want to hear.

Anyone under the age of 40 who votes for FF deserves to be beaten with a stick.


It’s happening

Damn you Fianna Fail. Damn you Michael Martin and Tony Holohan. Damn you damn you damn you all to hell. I curse you.

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The wettest blanket there ever was

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