Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

And here is Martin trying to screw them over further. When will Si Harris be out to combat it, he always reads the room. FF are a laughing stock getting themselves into these situations.

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The media seem to be ignoring there is indoor dining and drinking in hotels last few weeks.

They’ll have to close them too

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So not only is it postponed for two weeks, it’s postponed indefinitely for unvaccinated people?

They should all be rounded up and shot

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Scare Byrne is seething over #DefundNphet trending on Twitter.


Did she call for the fully vaccinated Irish Olympic team not to travel to Tokyo.

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This is madness. Utter madness. I can’t believe a government would countenance this, even one as bad as this. If they go ahead with this there should be an uprising. How you can tell young people to do what they’ve largely done for the last 16 months and then say right thanks but go fuck yourselves is beyond me.


This is the real kicker. In fairness you can’t blame the media for not picking up on this yet because it’s all still breaking but you can guarantee that RTE and the like will sweep this minor detail under the rug when they’re discussing it tonight and young people will just be fucked over. All the talk that they were giving young people of “we can’t let you out because we can’t have an apartheid society” just never happened.

Taoiseach Martin will set up an overarching review committee to look into this and report back in 2’22*

  • If Tony let’s him

So will all hospitality staff be vaccinated as part of this plan?

Si Harris needs to do a Tik-Tok to get the public back onside

This could collapse the government IMO, although the coward Martin would probably relent before then if Leo started getting angry at him

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There’s very little to stop you

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If.youre not doing the same, it’s not the vaccine that’s the obstacle


I actually think Twitter is getting angry about the wrong thing.

It needs to be angry about suddenly finding out that it won’t be let back inside a pub without a vaccine and it won’t be allowed get a vaccine probably for months. Not the projections.

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I hope somebody sets fire to the rte buildings.


Tony sentenced to deletion by the Buffmeister

Martin appears to have decided to appeal to the shade under 50% who want restrictions to continue. They are statistically more likely to be older and are his base now. As long as they can get a carvery lunch whilst others are restricted, they’re happy enough.

I don’t want to sound like a Sidney / @Cheasty type, thinking up any bizarre justification for my opinion, but there’s another huge problem that they haven’t considered -

This is going to completely crash the GP system.

Currently people are content enough waiting for the online portal. I was content enough waiting my turn online until I registered last week and when I still hadn’t gotten a date by yesterday, I called up my GP to get one direct from him. But now every single unvaccinated person in the country is going to call up their GP all at once and it will be impossible for genuinely sick people to get in to see them. This will go on for weeks I’d say.

If I had left it one more day to call my GP I’d be completely fucked I’d say.