Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

We’ve never needed Ryan Tubridy more than now.

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You know as well as I do that people will do nothing. And that a majority of the country or close to it will be happy with the delay. Fear is a potent elixer.

Who’s going to collapse it? If it falls they’ll all be out on their ear when SF get in.

Vote Aontu.


I don’t think FG even particularly wanted to go in last time

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Way too Conservative for me. I would lean a lot more left.

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I dont care if I never get to go into an indoor pub or restaurant again.

No chance am I going along with this shite. They can fuck right off with their experimental vaccines and passports.

Fucking cunts.


‘The reopening of indoor dining is expected to be delayed until July 19 while a system to allow vaccinated people or those who have been infected with Covid-19 in the last nine months to dine inside is developed’

so, 18 months since anyone involved with public health should have been aware of the problem and seven months since the vaccines were approved our clowns are talking about developing a system to allow the vaccinated to dine inside. Yet an infected person can dine inside if they pay for a bedroom too. Science me bollix.


This is exactly what I told @glasagusban and @Tim_Riggins about. Domestic society and economy simply has to take precedent here.

Aontu are left leaning on economic issues.

Bring back €9 meals.

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Does anything else really matter when your life is restricted to such an extent. Surely lockdowns, restrictions is bordering on a red line issue for many voters now.

Socially they are not. They have performed very well on the covid topic but so have many people who can be described as cunts. You can agree with people on topics and still think they are cunts. It also works vise versa. The LIDTF guys on this thread, who I have disagreed with over the last 15 months are, I can assume decent guys and I won’t polarise them based on opinions on covid

I think they have a very principled stand re abortion. What other things are they socially conservative on?

“The Government have lost the dressing room”

How many times have we said this over past 18 months. “If they do x, that’ll be the last straw”
X happens, people grumble, everyone moves on (this is what I’ll do).

It’ll be the same again this time. You already have the LVA calling for a deferral of the opening until July 19th, instead of complaining about the July 5th not happening!


I’m not sure how vaccine passports in pubs would be implemented. Maybe it would be like Gardai raiding a place to see if there is underage drinking going on and requesting proof of age in form of driving licence or those national identity cards. You might have a QR code saved onto your smart phone which could be scanned by Gardai on and cross checked against a pulse database with your medical details. I’m sure the new bill on guard powers being able to take your phone should help in this regard.

Bit on it here in Russia:

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Govt lucky we have had nice weather last few weeks. A rainy week would limit the appeal of outdoor boozing and lead to an upset Paddy.