Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You haven’t been paying much attention if you have to ask that :smiley:

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As usual it’s all been leaked to the media beforehand. I wonder what’s left for him to announce?

“People are frustrated, we get that, but…”

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“We’ve made so many sacrifices. We’re nearly there. I know it’s tough.”

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Sensible decision to postpone reopening. Everybody online seems to have gone cuckoo. Eddie Hobbs has gone full Godwin.

The bottom line is that unless you reopen everything at once, in one fell swoop, there are always going to be people unhappy.

The drinking culture in this country is fundamentally incompatible with an unvaccinated population.

Lash the vaccines inta yis and we’ll be open in September.

But the government need to get working quicksmart on a system of vaccine identification and negative test identification. It’s farcical that they haven’t planned for this up to now.

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Lockdown forever :pensive:

In September it will be the schools are raising cases again and winter is around the corner so respiratory viruses are on the prowl. Better hold firm for a little while longer.

Currently young people can go to the cinema. They won’t be able to under NPHET’s new found love for vaccine passports.

They seriously need to go away, their advice is useless to the running of society at this point.

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Ok pal you don’t have to boast about having a young wan on your arm …

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Haughey would have called Holohan to Government buildings and fucked him out a window.


Christ I despise this cork cunt.


They’re already fucked but Micheal Martin ensuring that no young person votes for FF ever again

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I can see 10s of thousands heading abroad now for their holidays.

Thousands are flying
Across the mediterranean
To a land of normality
That some of us will never see

I’m in London the August bank holiday anyway

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"No point opening up if we might have to close down again. " This logic hurts my brain. I wonder whar PR guru came up with that shite months ago. Someone on the Fianna FĂĄil side anyway as they all repeat it verbatim.


It’s crazy.

Keep everything closed down so we don’t have to close down.

Surely be to God one of the senior Ministers sat at the table has to just say “lads, this is all insane.”

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Sure it’s mental really. Hotel bars and restaurants full up and down the country. But the cafe owner with 25 seats can’t serve indoors.

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