Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I don’t understand how it is that people are surprised/outraged by this. NPHET are, and always have been, drunk on power and will not relinquish it.

It is exactly what I predicted months ago and people disagreed by saying that the vaccination programme would save us. We do not have a government in Leinster House, we are governed by unelected zealots in the Dept. of Health. It has been as clear as day for some time that NPHET have little interest in public health anymore - a large part of public health is people living their lives in a meaningful manner. Instead, they have pursued a clear anti-alcohol agenda and produced unverified and frequently massively inaccurate modelling to bolster it.

A coup d’etat has happened in front of our eyes and we are all to blame for allowing it happen. Between the Junta and the Vichy government they have raised fears, spread disinformation and told downright lies. They have exercised a level of punitive control over it’s people by inventing rolling legislation to limit our civil liberties and it has happened with barely a whimper.

We have reaped what we have sown and it will, sadly, continue. The political will and nous to provide an alternative is absent.

Slán Éire.


If he’s on a day off he will come in

Haughey is the perfect Irish hero …Paddy reckons Haughey would sort everything …he couldn’t even bend the Sec Gen in justice for long enough FFS…

Was just thing same, or got Mara to do it

Bryan Dobson getting very frustrated with Stephen Donnelly on Radio 1 now.

Unvaccinated young people cannot dine indoors, but are ok to work in those establishments :grinning:

Car crash interview with Egghead here on Radio One, Dobbo is picking him and this government apart.

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we suspected they didn’t know what they were doing, today has confirmed that.

Poor auld @Tassotti is going to get some slagging on the mainland when the lads see what Paddy us up to

Nobody will be watching him. We’ll all be watching England Germany

“You don’t know what you’re doing
You don’t know what you’re doing”


Leo said its positive because everything that is open will stay open.

Here’s Leo now. Two words to sum up today - hope and honesty.

A load of bollix.

Dobbo taking egghead to task on rte. Slaughtering him with Donnelly’s own guff and rightly so

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Leo talking about future waves of the pandemic.

no, this is it. enough.
never thought I would say it but I might vote Sinn Fein to get the current appendages out.
Used to think that SF would destroy the economy but they could not do any worse than the current Government hiding under their beds


I think the time has come to welcome your new NPHET overlords.

Can’t see it being allowed. They’re riddled out foreign.

You were warned

Has Gina from Hugo’s commented yet?