Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )


It sounds like she can put her staff back on the PUP. In fact, she’s probably done it already. Gina doesn’t hang about.

Gavan Reilly having a pop at Archbishop Tony not being at the press conference.



I saw this coming 12 months ago pal.

I even posted about it here joking. Its no surprise to me.

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Meehawl dithering and obfuscating quite a bit here.

That would be absolute fucking lunacy, we’d be even more in limbo for another 3 months.

The gobshites in there need to box the ears off those who aren’t copping the fuck on.

Grow a dick and vote for the RA FFS

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No sign of any NPHET member today, they are normally not shy about getting themselves in front of a microphone.

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And yet you still mugged yourself off

This is exactly what they’ve done because previously an unvaccinated person could go to the cinema but now you need a vaccine to go to the cinema!!

Christ, not only has reopening been postponed, I’ve actually fucking lost freedom today!!!

It’s been clear for a long time that NPHET make their recommendations to cause maximum possible chaos.

And Eamonn Ryan saying has to leave early. Good to see them all taking it so seriously.

Who’s going to implement a scannable QR code system in two weeks?


Well they’ve only just started on the EU digital cert project and they’ve about two weeks for that…

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Are cinemas going to have to introduce Vaccine-passport-reading technology?
Are art galleries?
Are sports clubs?
How the fuck are they just running down this road with less than 24 hours thought? They have no idea what they might be getting themselves into.

How on earth did they get landed with vaccination passports mid Summer?

They should have been planning for those months ago if they were going to implement that system. Now they have to knock something up in a couple weeks. Which will no doubt be a botch job.

There it is from Leo. Until herd immunity is achieved unvaccinated people will not be let indoors. So it’s vaccine passports or bust.

They’ve been working on this since last August/September sure.

The government will NOT be getting independent analysis of NPHET modelling