Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I.e. the transition year student on work experience ran a few excel formulas and that’s where we’ve landed

Bazza Cowen on tv3
Bazza could cut loose here and turn on Govt.


They need to now run 24 hour vaccine centres.

The cunts.

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Dobbo gave him a decent grilling on radio at 1pm

Switched over to The Tonight Show.

The lady presenter - “no government Minister was able for interview while NPHET did not respond to requests to appear.”

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Government need to be careful here, there is clearly a lack of any plan to get out of this.


Was always about Certificate Of Vaccination ID.

cc @glasagusban

Cowen putting the boot in.

Backbenchers are our only hope, to exert pressure to not defer to NPHET all the time over everything.

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Members of NPHET are fairly regularly able to pop up for slots on news, talkshows (even twitter -hi Tony) particularly when it suits them to get a message out. Fairly noticeable how quickly they’ve gone to ground now. That’s fair enough if it’s the end of them in the public eye and they retreat back into a traditional advisory role - otherwise it would just look like another political move by a body which should assuredly not be political.


Miriam defended the Govt more robustly than Baz, who is a member of Govt


The restaurants didn’t give a flying fuck when it was just the ‘wet’ pubs getting shafted.


You’d be better served working with them rather than against.

Did you get opened up yet Laz?

Well it would be good if a few people who do advocate opening the pubs on July 5th set out exactly what they think would happen over, say, the following three months if that happened. None if yis are prepared to put yer money where yer mouth is.

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How much money do you want to stake?

Open for limited business


Divide the NPHET numbers by 10 and you’re half way towards the right answer


Cowen getting upset when he is reminded that his party is in government


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One million dollars. Seriously though, yis are just arguing into a void. None of you has made a serious effort to say why they think it’s a good idea to open the pubs now and why it is safe and why it won’t cause a backsliding into further restrictions. This is the case in the public sphere too. There are a lot of people against stuff but not prepared to put forward serious arguments which actually map out what they think would happen if they got their way. That’s the least you expect from people who are apparently so certain in their views, and so furious.