Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

you were wrong, just accept it and move on.


That’s pretty much the definition of opposition politics in Ireland for the last ten years and yet you’ve usually been fairly comfortable rolling in behind it.

Will someone serious here tell me how this vaccine check for SMEs is a serious runner. What is their logic re implemantion/enforcement etc? Is this another kite

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Kite/can kicked down road

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They are surely not being serious

Donnelly wouldn’t even commit to things opening in August.

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Whatever about the vaccine check, which is at least on a database somewhere with PPS number etc - how do they ever intend to certify the “previously infected”. I’m one of those and I don’t think they have much more on me than a phone number


I’m happy to say what I think will happen, and why it should happen.

I think cases will rise (quite a bit probably)
I think hospitalisations would rise maybe 50% (maybe a little more, depending on how it’s measured and the “with COVID/from COVID” factor).
Deaths would barely move.
Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people would come off the PUP.
Eldely, concooning people would have an outlet after 17 miserable months
Young people would have an outlet.
Our economy would be one step further from crisis (and inevitable austerity with all the associated hardships)

I dont have a million dollars so I’m not actually putting any money on it. and I’d never actually bet on a death toll.


Donnelly was speaking as a man with clearly no authority or influence over decisions despite being constitutionally responsible for them.

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Cases of what?


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He is only doing what he’s told.

Still a total cunt for doing that though.

The covid cert won’t happen in Ireland.

It will be August before the government comes up with a solid plan, and it will take another few months to roll out a solution. On top of that, it’s probably going to be challenged in the courts and deemed unlawful

They just don’t want people getting together indoors in 2021.

Oh did you now?


I did yeah.

That’s not much of an answer. Earlier when I set out what I thought would happen if pubs opened now, you said that if cases started to double every 11 days, as is the case in the UK, at a certain point, when cases had reached several thousand, we would backslide into lockdown. I agreed with you. I think we would backslide into lockdown if that happened.

I’ve yet to see any solid reasoning for why cases wouldn’t start doubling every 11 days (or 15, if you want to be conservative). When cases double in a short time frame, you very quickly enter the several thousands.

That then has a very negative effect on public opinion. Public opinion would demand lockdown again. I think the chances of that happening are less if we wait a bit.

Having low numbers in hospital at the minute will become a NPHET/RTE weapon yet.

If there are two people in hospital tomorrow and four the following day, all we’ll be fed is that there’s been a 100% increase in hospitalisations.


Another shitfest for helen dixon to put a stop to

Interestingly I was speaking to someone today who was just back from the UK, and they were surprised at how loose things were in the UK vs here in things that we take for granted now i.e. mask-wearing, protocols in restaurants etc.

So straight away that’s a reason why we would not likely get as quick a rate.

That aside, I think the main thing which changes the whole dynamic is vaccinations in the first instance and then the changed relationship between cases and outcomes arising from the protection of vulnerable cohorts.


I think we should try to make every possible effort to facilitate operating as safely as possible. I would always do that before closing. I wouldn’t countenance vaccine certs for access to life at all (apart from travel which makes sense).

I think the vaccine programme should have shifted to mixing vaccines weeks ago. The guys keeping an eye on supply will tell you it could have been dished out faster too. I’d do a proper MHQ system based on testing rather than nonsense and racism (should be done months ago).

I’d have increased PCR testing capacity (should be done months ago). I’d use rapid testing widely, up to and including for access to pubs or restaurants (should already be in regular use). This would at a minimum catch lots of cases and thereby reduce spread.

Our focus on distancing should be done away with also, by all means have caps on numbers but guidelines focusing on ventilation would be more useful than any focus on distancing.

You’d still have a large spike in cases of course but not to the degree and I don’t it think would be very harmful.


I suppose people will tell the village idiot anything and what’s more the village idiot will buy it.

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