Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Might make them a bit uneasy that people are actually going to the effort. If anything it might keep the cunts wide of me next GE

Is there anything to be said for declaring the delta a cod?

Donnelly feeble enough there on Primetime. He gave the impression that opening up hospitality depends on the sector working with the Government! He also said that NPHET werenā€™t fans of antigen testing though he could see a case for them. Miriam fought hard for NPHET though and interrupted Verona at every opportunity.

Verona Murphy is at Weekly World News levels of nonsense. Conspiracy this, conspiracy that. She only forgot to shout ā€œJet fuel canā€™t melt steel beamsā€.

It struck me that he didnā€™t really have any influence/advance knowledge at all over whatā€™s happened in the last 24 hours. He was bluffing away really. Government sources framing it as NPHET dropping a bombshell but howā€™s he (or his officials/advisors) not in daily contact with their NPHET equivalents?

When I was a young BANKER, Iā€™d have been lambasted and pilloried by my boss if I landed into his office and said this customerā€™s breached all its loan covenants and itā€™s come as a total shock to me. Heā€™d rightly have said, are you not managing the relationship and in regular contact with them in order to pre-emptively ward off any issues?


Given Donnelly works on the same floor in the same building as the CMO, how on earth had he no inkling on what NPHET were going to land on top of them at the last minute? Are they not in almost daily communication? Apparently not it seems.

Donnelly came across like a young lad starting his first job in the bank and being absolutely terrified of going up to speak to his branch manager up in his office.

I canā€™t see us getting out of this shit for a long time ā€¦theyā€™ve even teed up delaying return to schools in September ā€¦then we are into chrimbo and ā€˜sure look what happened last Christmas ā€˜ā€¦ itā€™s all very grim ā€¦


It will be spring 2022 before there is a return to normal normal. You can be sure weā€™ll be going through the same rigmarole this winter as last. Despite the vaccinations.




If there arenā€™t serious new restrictions in other countries theyā€™ll be in deep shit. Thatā€™s what it may come down to.

This is informative and at least an effort to engage.

Thereā€™ll be some other shitfest of variant for spring 2022 ā€¦we havenā€™t a clue how to tackle this or learn to live with ā€¦only plan is to stay out of its way til it jogs on which it clearly wonā€™t ā€¦

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Tbh I find the model thing distracting. The scandal is the vaccine passport stuff. They can talk about Delta all they like in terms of concern, but thatā€™s nothing new really as there is always something new for them.


The last thing any manager wants is to know about a problem at the last minute.

Seeing as ā€œthe modelā€ seems to drive so much of their advice, Iā€™d like to see it a lot lore open and regularly issued. At the moment it seems to pop up every couple of months as a way of justifying further restrictions. That may be entirely correct but itā€™s far too opaque at the moment.

You are correct though, to suddenly reach fir the vaccination passport solution is a major misstep by NPHET. Such a major policy suggestion, with all the resulting implications, is not something that should be thrown out on a whim - particularly when itā€™s presented as the only option. It is utterly scandalous that weā€™ve reached the point when policy can be made on the hoof like that.

Even in the context of the Delta variant, with increasing amounts of data available for weeks, the decision process from NPHET was bungled and rushed and put the (weak) gov in a near on impossible situation

Just like that time level three was grand of a Thursday but then we had to have level five on a Sunday.

Absolutely. But they should have made no decision yesterday, they should have delayed making a decision.

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Told not advised


Incredible. Back to their de facto position - lockdown.

Do we have a Taoiseach or senior government Minister big enough to stand up to Holohan?


At this point, and I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, Danny Healy Rae looks the man for the job.