Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Claire Byrne talking about people forging vaccine passes to get a pint or bit of grub.

Eamon Ryan has a voice that would go through you.

The more you think about it the more unworkable it is.

Thereā€™s privacy issues so the way to go is a QR code type job that doesnā€™t tell some random doorman at a bar your personal info. Then thereā€™s nothing to stop someone using someone elseā€™s QR code. Itā€™s bananas.

Testing would work, but Hot Lips is against testing.


Because youā€™ll put butter on the test you moron

Cancer doesnā€™t spread via the air in pubs. Well, you could sort of argue it sort of used to when you could smoke in pubs. But we banned smoking in pubs. And rightly so. We were also alone in the world in doing so at the time.

Youā€™d be lucky if was only butter that Paddy put on the test.

The certs here have a QR code, your first name and the first initial of your surname. Plus the date of second vaccination and type of vaccine.

Iā€™m sure we are going full belt here to get the same up and running. Our lads are proactive & inspiring in everything they do

The Eastern Europeans would have a head start on the systematic tracking of their citizens tbf.

The ā€œgold standardā€ PCR isnā€™t good enough for travel or having a pint

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Sure youse lot were telling us all last year it didnā€™t work.

Can hardly complain now when your advice is taken up.

Can you send us a few - Prawo J.


I imagine Holohan would be quite content to have pubs and bars shuttered indefinitely. A happy by product of the current situation.


And it is true that there are some positives in relation to alcohol, some level of social lubrication and some health benefits. But these benefits are derived only from low levels of alcohol consumption. And this is not the way we drink alcohol in this country. Somehow we have let ourselves believe that alcohol is not really a problem in Ireland. We are complacent. We choose to ignore evidence of the huge and avoidable extent of the problem that alcohol wreaks on our society.

That would be the big international conference that they pushed ahead in Dublin right at the time when lockdown was being considered


What are the certs being used for / to be used for in Poland?

Yip, March 2020.
Delegates from all over the world.

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For nothing locally AFAIK. People want them to go on their holidays.

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Iā€™ve no idea whether the rest of Europe is right and weā€™re wrong or whether weā€™re right and the rest of Europe is wrong. However both are working off pretty much the same data and both are working off pretty much the same vaccination roll-out. On that basis itā€™s surprising how much we differ from the approach others are taking.

Itā€™s hard to escape the conclusion that it will be pretty evident one way or the other which is the right approach by the end of August.

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Cares will rise in Autumn, thatā€™s inevitable everywhere