Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The rest of Europe might follow our lead lads and close in door dining. You never know.

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No we’ll have by far the lowest case rate because we kept pubs closed. We will outperform everywhere else in Europe

If they do follow in 3/4 months our glorious leaders will be claiming they were right all along to keep restrictions in place. Ignoring the fact that everywhere else will have had a relatively normal June July and August. The exact same as last year actually when we opened things up at a snails pace.

Mary Lou seems to be making a U Turn now and making yesterday’s calls all about young people only.

We can’t open things then close them again.
So we’ll keep them closed forever.


The NPHET model will apply to Northern Ireland. We should soon see thousands and thousands of cases up there as they have indoor dining and pubs open.

U turn on what?

The govt only announced a two tier society yesterday so I don’t understand you claiming she could have done a u turn.

I’d say we’ll know even before then. Hospitality is open indoors just a few miles up the road, north of the border. If hospitalisations and deaths don’t start piling up there, then it will be very difficult to justify onerous restrictions a few miles down the road. You would think anyway but who knows with this lot?

I’d assume the glut of Tourists travelling the countryside are also coming in via the North? cc @Batigol ?


Plenty to be seen down my side of the country.

The one thing I’m finding about all this, is that the lock it down mantra and Holohan etc are all focusing on pubs. Pubs this, pubs that. Paddy wants his alcohol. But these restrictions are affecting a lot more than just pubs and I find it completely disingenuous to be keeping everything closed down and using pubs as the reason for it. I’m not a big drinker, if pubs didnt reopen its not going to affect me.

However if things dont reopen properly, then it massively affects my children and what they can and cant do. There is a cohort of people in this country who have been badly affected by all of this. Everyone has their own case to put forward, the elderly and vulnerable, the college going and those in their twenties missing out on arguably the best years of their lives, but the younger children are being badly affected by this. Some kids dont know what a normal school looks like. Pods and sanitisation stations, no playing with other classes, no integration is all the norm for them. Fuck that.

Arguably, the ones least affected by all of this are the likes of us on here, majority in their 30s and 40s with family. Work for the most part has kept going and with family life, it has been relatively fine.

But it cant keep going like this and endless fear of the next variant. @TreatyStones mentions it above, but there comes a point where we either live with this and accept the risk factor with it, or we are just on an endless cycle of restrictions and lockdowns forever. With the vaccine in place now, Covid is starting to more and more look like a more transmissible cold, sometimes with no effects at all. Deaths are well down on what it was and hospitalisations are also way down, which is brilliant. Not everyone who gets the flu or cold needs hospitalisation, and sometimes people die from influenza. But thats considered an acceptable risk. This is obviously way more transmissible and a lot more dangerous if it gets hold, but whats happening right now is just bordering farcical levels of contradictions and mis management. The government have been a complete shambles in all of these with no clear plan and no definitive actions.


There’s less than 1/20th the regular traffic at the airport so if there is a “glut” of them (and I haven’t seen it myself), they aren’t coming through Dublin airport

Mary Lou’s back office has noted the correlation between the impact on 20-35 year olds unvaccinated and the SF voter pool


Thought so.

So, if that is true and majority of tourist are arriving in through the North why haven’t cases spiked up there?

It was fairly noteworthy how little Sinn Fein said yesterday - as ever caught in the quandary of how to attack the gov while still looking to firmly sit on the fence.

I’d imagine there hasn’t been a straight yes/no answer from them as to whether they’d have followed the advice from NPHET yesterday.


I agree on smoking 100% controversial at the time but we lead the way worldwide.

Cancer will kill more than covid if untectected and symptoms may not be present until a late stage. Even at the risk of 700,000 cases in 3 months is less than that 1 in 4. Not including we have a prevention tool with the vaccine and quick detection methods like antigen (granted its not near 100% but helps). These are not factored into what nphet are modelling. We are not doing our best to get back to normality safely instead just continuing methods that don’t have a different outcome

Populism. SF are as watery as ffg. She would do no different to chump.

I don’t think they’d be stupid enough to go with a two tier society though - whatever about the rest.