Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Apart from the principle being the same, it’s completely different.

The argument of the OIUTF brigade now is, “if I can’t have fun, I want nobody to have fun”.

disposable mask???

Multi purpose cloth

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which plan are we on now???

Vaccine passes.

There’s a clear route to re-opening. You wait six or eight weeks to see what happens with this variant, use that time to get a system up and running and let people into pubs and restaurants from a week after they are fully vaccinated. No pass, no entry. It can’t be that difficult.

but surely the idea of vaccine passes would required some form of planning, viability and data protection assessments and a tender for the ICT services, not just a line slipped into an 11th hour letter. and if the latter, then surely not a plan

CC @glasagusban


Unvaccinated people can access indoor in Denmark with a negative test, they can’t in our proposal. To say that there is no difference is just wilfully stupid. I will be fully vaccinated in a couple of weeks so your other weak as piss argument doesn’t apply to me.

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Also as regards Denmark, that negative test has be gotten on site at an approved testing centre, whereas Paddy demands self testing. Which means there’s no way to even prove you’ve taken a test, never mind passed one or done it correctly.

If you’re all in on the “apartheid” train, what the Danes do is very much “apartheid”. Except it’s not.

And fuck the young people

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I don’t recall any credible calls for this - could you post links please. Any of the calls I’ve seen for Antigen testing for travel, events, workplaces etc was on the basis of it being performed by trained persons.

There’s a massive difference between effectively preventing most young people from dining indoors and other indoor activities based on nothing more than their age and good health, and also giving them the chance to go for a test to show they are negative for Covid


But again, the OIUTF argument was “think of businesses, think of jobs”.

Now yis have pivoted to the opposite.

No, just open them for everyone. It’s very simple

they arent mutually exclusive, you can full helen lovejoy for youth, the publicans, the economy, the restaurateurs and foreign travel.

no pivotting required

They’ll have to get the excel sheet out again.


That is fucking insane

Someone might proof read Philip Nolan’s work next time out.

Well why was there such a brouhaha over yer wan at that committee meeting a couple of weeks ago so?

The general feeling I get here is that when people call for antigen testing they’re talking about “self testing”. “You have to trust people” has certainly been the mantra of high profile OIUTF poster @Heyyoubehindthebushes.

Now perhaps other people, people who are actually serious about the proposal, do accept that if antigen testing is to be introduced it has to be on the basis it is done by a trained person at an approved location.

But it does seem to me that “antigen testing” has become a handy buzzphrase, and a lot those who fling it about are clueless about what it would have to entail.

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But that wouldn’t be very clever because it would likely lead to a serious wave.

And likely has no estimate of pre existing immunity.