Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I see they are talking about restrictions on U.K. travel from the 19th.

Ireland’s cases are already 50% delta.

More theatre at the borders.

Chappelle Show Lol GIF

None of this stands up in court I think. Anything so far is resolved before it gets there, thrown out on a technicality or pushed back for months at a time.

I had to explain the restrictions to a supplier I am bringing over from abroad. I said its the same as march really. He couldn’t believe it. Then I had to explain the antigen situation to him. The man was after telling me he was in a nightclub on Saturday night.

I was fucking embarrassed and ashamed explaining everything.

You need to relax.

I’m zen bud

You’re clearly not.

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I know it’s going to be a mistake engaging with the village idiot but still I can’t help myself -
What’s so bad about my plan? Can you phrase your objection in words?


It’s clearly all about drinking.

Tony is about Public Health.

I’d like to hit the streets but I think Tony’s outlook might hold more sway.

Email that 2 minute thought to all the TD’s you can by all means. :+1:

Niall Collins got back to me.
He said he would be following up on it directly with Government. :grinning:


They’ve already trialled your plan with a club night in Barcelona months ago. It worked. It’s a good plan.


cc @Copper_pipe

He’s at it again it appears

cervicalcheck begs to differ


You’re right love Island is on and I need to entertain myself. Thanks mate

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Public perception is a fickle game to win clearly.

He got back to me too with the below.

Hi d_k - I will do.
Keep in touch.

Niall Collins TD

Well law dee da mine was only noted. Your on the inside now. Sipping pints down the well

No fucking shit sherlock - I engaged with the village idiot and I got what I deserved- my plan to reopen the pubs was all about the pubs, it’s awful.

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It’s uncontrollable pal, you need to relax and enjoy the positives.

he shouldve been ran after cervicalcheck. ive been very consistent on that point