Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

and in this video we see sid explaining the science hes following

I have never questioned that but my point remains. Public perception is fickle.

What did you send him?

Just want to gauge how harsh I can be before I get a knock on the door…

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think day 7 of frank kellys 12 days of christmas

Covid should not be the only consideration in re-opening society. It should be one factor of the numerous factors that are taken into account when such drastic curtailment of civil liberties has occurred.The people who are LIDTF now are the type of people who are too dumb to understand statistics, risk and probability (@carryharry) and those with an agenda that suits their political goals with regard to societal structure in general. These people cannot be reasoned with and are only too happy to use whatever device necessary to further these goals. Open society up, get vaccinated or alternatively hide under your bed and get tesco food deliveries if you’re scared. Leave the other mentallers to shout into the abyss of twitter while we get on with living.

(Not to mentoned the worst lidtf types of all - the I’m alright jack wfh on full salaries, won’t somebody think of the children)


Too much RATM today. But no different to every other day.

Chill lad

As things stand , after the 19th July if you travel to Spain or Italy do you have to quarantine on return to Ireland if fully vaccinated ?


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No. Antigen test to get in. PCR or vac to come back or recovered in last 9 months.

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There has been no commentary about this in the media or have I heard it mentioned by anyone but it could be a case of once bitten twice shy for Holohan. Antigen is not a diagnostic tool like PCR in the same way as a cervical smear test wasnt a diagnostic tool like an MRI. Both are effectively a form of screening. He could be digging his heels in because of history in that area.

Antigen has a different use. Most states use to facilitate doing things. Holohan has a more effective method, shut things down. From his perspective he is correct, it’s not his job to facilitate doing things and shutting things down is more effective way to stop spread.

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If it’s not your job to worry about casualties just nuke everything.

It would be in the under 35s best interest to get the virus now and have the immunity. As feasible as putting butter on the antigen tests to disprove it.

Whats is ethics after all


Michael Healy Rae nailing it here on The Tonight Show.


The other fucker will get hes hole opened

MHR should be running the country

These Dublin FG types are particularly dislikeable.

Varadkar, Neale Richmond, Barry Ward - all privileged, well-to-do, silver spooned types. Zero ability to relate to working class folk.


Michael Healy Rae is destroying Barry Ward.

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