Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Its actually incredibly embarrassing. He released a 36 tweet thread late last night. I mean if a leaving cert pass maths student couldn’t see the problem in his assertion you’d be advocating for something less challenging like foundation level. And he so proudly and confidently stands over this thing. :rofl:


Does anyone take Paul Murphy seriously?


Lads this is very serious. Delta is growing and it’s very concerning. The re-opening has to be delayed. NPHET thought they were being smart but they’ve fucked this up completely and endangered us all.

Not anybody in the gobshite section of the population.

But nobody sensible takes them seriously.

Paul Murphy should be running the country.

No politician has been more consistently on the ball during this pandemic.

It’s no wonder ivor has the usual suspects hopping etc
The delta is just the latest cod

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This is Christmas 2020 all over again. We’re too caught up arguing with Archbishop Holohan to see the incoming tsunami.

Has Flu season arrived early?!

Christmas 2020 when ye’re bullshit cost the lives of two and a half thousand people. Yis have lost the right to be taken seriously.

Odd that you’d be cheerleading a man who led a mob to intimidate and barricade an elderly woman in her car. But hey, if they’re off the correct political persuasion.


Donnelly makes a good point on the Pat Kenny show. The problem with mass testing is the pub lobby. They refuse to enforce a pass system.

They want to open, but they don’t want to open in any sort of safety.


I am being very serious. We have to delay the reopening. The Archbishop has lost the public through his egotistical political machinations and now we’re in danger.

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I spent Christmas 2020 bunkered down in Achill, I didn’t go to a single pub all holiday long.

There’s definitely a possibility of that. I think it’s positive the sharing of info last night by Nolan etc as it should focus the mind on measuring the risk rather than what the appropriate response is.

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Sure most of the OIUTF crowd are Shinners. Who have no problem with murdering women. And children.

And obviously the OIUTF position has always been pro-mass death itself.

But SF are LIDTF. Fair play to them. They’re learning.

Where that leaves the small brains of their supporters is anybody’s guess.

One sane poster.

into month 15 of covid and month 5 of vaccination and theyre only suggesting a pass scheme now?

donnelly makes a rod for his own back, not a good point

Also a lot of truth in this. Holohan has become a political figure and the underlying facts and message are being lost as a result

It’s mainly the OIUTF crowd who have turned him into a political figure.

It was terrible strategising on their part.

A load of shite, completely wrong.

Edit: so wrong it’s ridiculous. Back when there was almost no such thing as an OIUTF crowd there were murals of Holohan in Dublin. He was at the very first press conferences, with the politicians looking at him glowingly, and then his face on the front pages of the newspapers.


That seems an extremely self-serving comment by Donnelly.

Did he comment on the fact that one of the issues with mass-testing is high levels of resistance within the organisation that he notionally leads?