Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

NPHET proposed that the fully vaccinated be allowed into hospitality.

This was refused. The pub lobby refused.

The exact same issues arise with a Corona Pass system.

Pubs are simply unwilling to enforce any sort of vaccine or negative test bonus.

Until pubs move and start being willing to enforce rules, they will remain closed. Their own fault.

No. The minute he was front and centre at press conferences it was always a risk - that’s partially on the gov at the start who put him there.

However, things like rocking up on the Late Late show, some of the OTT moralistic comments (including the recent tweet) and even the manouvering behind the scenes are far more the actions of a politician than an advisory civil servant.

As a result he’s become an extremely polarising figure - far more than the likes of Ronan Glynn or Paul Reid for example.


There really isn’t much point discussing stuff with you when you’re screeching like this.


Are the service industry workers all against going back to work? Or are they adults that can make up their own minds?

When did NPHET first propose that the fully vaccinated be allowed into hospitality?

What is the difference between letting vaccinateds into pubs and a “Corona Pass” system. Is Corona Pass what they’re calling antigen testing now?

I was going to respond to that post but it was so stupid and try hard I didn’t bother.

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I didn’t realise Fat Tony was against negative tests as a measure for allowing people who test negative into indoor hospitality. What’s the reasoning behind that?

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They might smear butter on them from the butter tabs that comes with your bowel of bread

They are going to put butter on the test.

He’s against negative PCR tests as well though for allowing people in

there is no “corona pass system”. there’s a suggestion on the back of a cigarette packet. do you have any level of idea of what actually is required to bring something like that to reality?


Nobody enforces quarantine of positive PCR tests. And yet people comply. Mostly.

Here Holohan doesn’t get me out of bed in the morning to do my job that pays taxes that pay his wage. and yet I get up and work

Medics have an ego that seems to think that we’re all petulant schoolchildren who can’t be trusted. A lot like the clergy.

Tonic water causes the tests to go positive. There is tonic the after in pubs.

I think we can all figure out the rest for ourselves.

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Nphet have nothing to do with the economic shut down.

So someone on nphet said.

So now pubs should pay no heed to public health, apparently. What a joke.

I find it staggering that the government didn’t flat out refuse to entertain this discriminatory concept of vaccinated v unvaccinated when it was raised, never mind trying to rush through some muddled plan that is doomed to failure/non compliance.

Imagine if it was proposed that people who never received the MMR vaccine were barred from using services that others who had received it, could. It would be laughed out the door as impractical. And correctly so.

It’s bonkers. Utterly frightening for civil liberties in this country, too, when you think of it. If it was being implemented in the old Soviet Bloc there’d be uproar.

I wonder will the EU step in. Surely a legal challenge from a punter or publican would collapse any such proposed system.

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even by your standards, thats a bizarre interpretation of what i posted

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Ooh, you said “screeching”. Cue a load of likes from the OIUTF lemmings who have spent the last 15 months screeching and lot more besides.

I’m quite comfortable with the way we’re progressing, so I don’t have any need to screech.

But the Aislings here are welcome to keep wearing out their vocal cords as far as I’m concerned.

You’re right. Sure even based on this post alone it’s clear you are completely calm and rational.

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