Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

How the fuck is imposing a passport bringing back a system of free movement?

Can we delay the delta variant instead?

Why do you keep lying about or misrepresenting facts?

Only two countries allow indoor hospitality to vaccinated people only, Latvia and Lithuania.

Every other country has indoor open, or open to people with a covid pass. Covid pass means test, vaccination, or recovery.

There is a very big difference between a covid pass and differentiation solely on the basis of vaccination.

You are supportive of the Latvian/Lithuanian model. Thatā€™s fine. But donā€™t lie and suggest more countries are doing the same thing, theyā€™re not.


You can identify as vaccinated and get one

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Reid in fairness to him has stayed on his lane of late. Only speaking to the facts around the vaccines and giving updates on the data he has on vaccination numbers and deliveries. Glynn has been in the bold boy corner for being slightly optimistic while Tony was on leave

What do you mean of late? I canā€™t think of any example of Reid overstepping his role. Holohan does it regularly.

Reid has dealt in facts throughout.

Colm Henry thought he could declare the handshake dead


Heā€™s been a bit economical with the truth on the success of the vaccine rollout to say the least.

Maybe, but he has kept it to his remit.

Other senior medics have stepped WAY BEYOND their remit

Iā€™d agree but Iā€™m just pointing out he has told a few fibs on the success of the vaccine rollout.

Anyone entertaining the idea of allowing vaccinated people extra rights in terms of social integration need to seriously reassess their position in the world. We are a nation who always look to assist in the struggles of oppressed peoples, as we have a history of lived experience. Look at the outrage at isreal of late. Yet we actually considering a system, that a basic level is creating a 2 tier society.

I will be fully vaxxed ahead of my peers I a number of weeks, not because Iā€™m special but Iā€™m a cheeky me feiner using old ireland to my advantage. I will not be going to a pub or restaurant unless everyone else can. Iā€™d love a pint or a fancy meal. But I wonā€™t do it unless there is equal treatment for all.

I canā€™t think of any either tbf but I can only recall the last 5 months of reids public announcements. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll find something prior to that but fuck it.

Ye didnā€™t so much as lift a finger to help nationalists during the troubles.


I get that Holohan was obviously thrust into the spotlight with the nightly briefings etc and he reassured people in the early days, he did that role well. Every other country did the same, they wheeled out non-political experts to talk to the public.

But Holohan has actively sought to maintain his profile. The tweets about crowds are overstepping, the statements contradicting government policy are massively overstepping. Try think of another senior civil servant that does that, thereā€™s isnā€™t one. Try think of another senior civil servant at all even, Iā€™m sure you wonā€™t be able to name many.


In fairness he should have declined the Freedom of the City of Dublin which was bestowed on him essentially for doing his job.


Tell that to NIMBYISM blocking attempts at housing development to allay the shortages


He accepted on behalf of frontline/healthcare workers, in fairness, which was nice. It should have been offered to him on that basis in the first place.

100% hes up there with fauci in the US for maintaining his public profile. Iirc he was much the same during swine flu back in the day. The lack of social media and how quickly it went away must have dampened him

Together with other awards. He was doing what he is well paid for, no different than any other frontline worker or worker. More than that it was an affront to the victims of the cervical cancer scandal. Accepting those awards showed a lack of empathy imho.