Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The green party are a fraudulent party backing up this FFG cabal government.


Have you seen the temperatures in Canada mate.

Prioritising Ryanair profit over the planet

Scrap Cheap Air Travel Now!


Maybe Tony was just sending a rocket up their hole to get moving where he heard 200k a week for July

I have mate, its terrible what’s going on there in western Canada at the moment. Its not a precedent though is it? Had they similar temperatures back in the 1940’s?

I could be very wrong on that. My post above is far more related to Eamon and the Green party backing an apartheid regime whereby unvaccinated people cannot go into an indoor restaurant or indoor pub in this country.

In fairness to Eamon Ryan, I don’t think he was in favour of it, but he should have pulled the plug on this FFG government as they are an absolute disgrace frankly.

We are an outlier in Europe in every sense. Its disgusting.

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Don’t get me wrong pal, things are going well for me personally this year but I’ve been concerned about this vaccine certificate shite for over 12 months and I am worried in what its going to lead to.

Where does it end?

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Concentrate on things you can control, getting worked up over anything else is pointless and only causing you unwanted stress.

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You’re dead right really there to be honest in an awful lot of ways.

I am concerned though that it’ll be vaccine cert to go to work in the autumn etc and we’re going to have rolling lockdowns and I suppose a lot of what we work so hard for in terms of family holidays, socialising with friends, eating the odd time in nice restaurants etc will be gone unless you take an experimental jab/jabs.

I find that abhorrent to be honest. I 100% won’t go along with it as mad as that sounds.

You need to relax.

People evolve and we will evolve from this mess hopefully.

50 years ago men would have stated it abhorrent the thought of women being Airline Pilots or a Woman becoming President.

I think you are overthinking the trade offs of this Pandemic.

Put yourself in the shoes of people who have lost loved ones, those shoes are far more uncomfortable imo.

protect ryanair

Fair enough pal, I get where you’re coming from, but the way this is going - they’ll want to vaccinate children of all ages down to 6 months old. They’ll be vaccinated for a virus that does not affect them in order to protect the elderly. If I was older I would not agree with that.

You and I both know if our government were serious about protecting lives they would have looked after the nursing homes were 60%+ of the deaths have occurred. Did they or Nphet do that?

I sympathise with anyone that has lost a loved one, but covid isnt the spanish flu and the likes of cancer kills multiples more people every day of the week.

If we put half the energy that people put into fighting/fighting about covid into climate change we would have it sorted.

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Whats been done in China mate where the vast majority of damage is being done in terms of climate change?

Is there any indication that they’ll reach anything in relation to their 2030 goals?

Private nursing homes….

People smoke & drink to excess….

Kids have been vaccinated before and will be again I’d imagine….

Covid doesn’t care whether you’ve been good, bad or whatever.

There are massive parallels there I’m afraid.

Fight the power. It’s mostly very dim people who can’t see the dangers.

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Kids havent been vaccinated before with an experimental vaccine for a virus that doesnt effect them pal, I don’t think anyway.

Adults smoking and drinking to excess has nothing to do with this. I don’t get that parallel there.

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Cancer, ffs.

I think you had a genuine typo there you put in Covid instead of Cancer - fair enough.