Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Would you ever consider getting a job to earn money rather than draw benefits pal?

Iā€™ve been working since I was 16 years of age and have done to date without ever having to rely on state benefits.

Why canā€™t you?


He lives in an Apartheid nation ffs, he knows no better.

You should have been a politician.

Would make more sense than a climate concious skoda diesel dealer :joy:

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Would you ever think of doing a bit of reading, pal?

Youā€™d want to cop on to yourself.


Its done lads relax

Heā€™s a low cunt for that comment.

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I think itā€™s more a case of two tribes at this stage.

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Fellas getting worked up. Sure look with the Romanian vaccines on top of the July delivery itā€™ll be done by end of month.

I will concentrate on the fallout of this that we will discuss for years. We are four minutes into added time now 3 1 up on the virus

Recommended Green cert for indoor dining.

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Surplus vaccines from Romania.
Sure what could go wrong?


They are from the same stockpule we got from the EU. No fear once we get them into arms before the best before date on the label

What a nasty Cunt of a post given what @cheasty has documented going through. Prick.

Iā€™d hope he was under the influence & duly apologises.

Fulll house in Wimbledon today, some atmosphere, delta is a cod, nothing worse than a cold, why is paddy shitting himself, it barely makes the news here

Thatā€™s what happens when you have a power hungry CMO and a coward of a Taoiseach.


How do ye stick the Irish media 24/7? It would drive you mental


Think most normal folks have switched of from the Irish media.

Itā€™s Ewans time to shine

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A remarkable thread. Never knew Tony was fond of the sauce. Explains a lot tbh.