Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Iā€™ve just read that, some sensible points, some nonsense, lots of speculation, overall itā€™s fine, nothing that isnā€™t said here every day

But that particular speculative point letā€™s it all down, accusing somebody of being an alcoholic on the evidence of some old photos and the assertions that he makes off the back of that is unhelpful, he should have left it out, but then he wouldnā€™t feel so smart I suppose??

Surely at this stage everyone in Donegal has had Covid? They are consistently in the Champions League spots over the past 12 months.

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He doesnā€™t suggest he was an alcoholic, he speculates that he was a big drinker. In my experience people who were big drinkers and gave up drinking are absolute pains in the hole when it comes to their attitude to alcohol.




All you needed to know about Tony Holohan was when he wanted to criticise the outdoor drinking the most invective language he could think of was to compare it to a festival.

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Yerrah he railed against parked cars at one stage too. The man is out of control

A 39 year old mother of four from Castlewellan has died from this scourge of a disease. RIP Sarah.

Tony made this speech back in 2010. Heā€™s right that alcohol is a huge problem in Ireland but itā€™s not right really that heā€™s using the cover of covid as part of his long standing campaign to cut our alcohol use. Itā€™s very disingenuous

A lot of amateur cod psychology and conspiracist thinking going on here. None of yis seem to have considered the bleedinā€™ obvious - that this Delta variant might actually be a problem and the pandemic far from over. Funnily enough the determination to consider every answer except the most obvious one is very interesting in psychological terms.

Nice to see the soccoerball ref and a player sharing a water bottle earlier. None of this cowardly fear mongering living in dread of a variant shite that lads in ā€˜Oirelandā€™ have succumbed to.
(@hbv asked me to pass this on, @Tassotti can verify)


Most countries have a problem with excessive alcohol consumption and alcoholism, itā€™s a bit of a myth that Ireland is one of the worst. In terms of male levels of alcoholism, Ireland is just under 5%, the US 5.5%, Australia 6.2%, UK 6.5%, Norway 9%, Russia 16.3%. Ireland is right around the average.


We must have a different Delta variant than the UK they are opening fully on the 19th Centre Court in Wimbledon full today and we had paltry crowds at matches. The link between cases and hospitalisations and deaths has been fully proved to to be broken with the vaccines. We need to get on with living full stop.


Saw a clip of that pilot event and it consisted of people inside separate pods again. Pods were 3 Actavo barriers forming 3 parts of a square with one empty for access. The vaccine set up in DCU had different queuing lanes and these were done again via Actavo barriers. Great to see Denis Oā€™Brien helping to accelerate Irelandā€™s post pandemic recovery and credit to the government for giving the contracts to his company.


Paddy is being subjected to a more deadly version of delta which is very concerning

Whatā€™s the source? Would like to see the numbers for countries in the med

Simplistic nonsense

The brits are very worried about the delta variant:

Ireland: We need to stop indoor dining because the delta variant is rampaging through the UK.

UK: We are ending all rules as vaccinations have worked


Lads here are very jealous of the UK having nearly twice the death rate of Ireland. Paddy has a fierce inferiority complex.