Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Point out what is ā€œsimplistic nonsenseā€ everything I stated above is factual

Itā€™s simplistic nonsense because it reduces complex problems to a dumb soundbyte.

Thatā€™s what OIUTF has always been about.

If you want to believe in dumb soundbytes thatā€™s your choice but I wonā€™t be arguing with you because itā€™s pointless.

Youā€™ll never beat the irish

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Japanese soldiers.

Some of the pro lockdowners will be crying when people stop dying and we will eventually return to enjoying our lives, no longer dragged down to the same level of misery as them.


An absolute fact,Iā€™ve worked with a lot of these boys.Theyā€™d sicken your shit the way they carry on.


All or nothing for some folk. Lacking the ability to drink responsible and preach to others when they, correctly give up the gargle.


True in many cases I agree,
But here itā€™s bias confirming irrelevance, youā€™re happy to brand a man a dry alcoholic based on some old photographs?

Who labelled him an alcoholic?

Donā€™t shoot the messenger.

Holohan would remind you of one of those old Archbishops. Do as I say pleb.


Iā€™ve no idea what the photos are, itā€™s all purely speculation but if itā€™s pictures from 20 years ago before he gave it up, itā€™s pretty irrelevant tbf. If itā€™s something along the lines of the fauci emails in the US then in a big deal, if its in the last 18 months. Ewan is using this to stroke hes ego.

How many people here either met their wife or propositioned them under the influence of hooch ? Set up a poll ta fcuk , weā€™ll see how reliant Paddy isā€¦




Paddy will be slobbering all over everyone in the pub. He canā€™t be trusted.

Would this type of data be reliant on individuals presenting themselves as alcoholics or as a result of back end data where an illness was diagnosed due to or partially because of excessive consumption.

Point being there could be a proportion of the French population that would spend a good portion of their adult life permanently buzzed and would consider it perfectly acceptable. That type of culture would be highly unlikley to present voluntarily to a data set like this.

The data is from the WHO so it would be based on medical diagnosis of alcohol dependence or alcohol use disorder as itā€™s termed. But you make a similar point to myself, alcoholism and alcohol consumption are separate issues, southern European countries for example have relatively high levels of alcohol consumption but relatively low levels of reported alcoholism.

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ā€¦and environment, nature and nurture.

Reid this morning saying that the hospitals were at capacity and only 44 people in there with Covid and still the country have restrictions imposed on it.

The long dark northern nights of winter

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