Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Ah sure it was often done on here, where you knew someone was on the verge of a meltdown.


The point is how many hospitalisations mass spread will lead to. Mass spread is enabled by events like these. England’s daily Covid hospitalisations have increased by over fourfold in a month - 69 on May 29th to 331 on June 30th.

You’re free to ignore this if you want but it would demonstrate a willingness to just stick your fingers in your ears and whistle away in the face of reality.

UK’s Covid hospitalisations have only doubled in the last month despite huge cases


Herd immunity with vaccines or without?

Herd immunity with large percentages of the vulnerable groups vaccinated and the groups not vaccinated who are getting the virus not getting seriously ill off it and developing immunity.

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It’s over. It’s clear the vaccines have saved us.

Those figures seem wrong based on @Spidey 's post

ISAG also on board with this group

The Lockdown mentallers can only tell lies now.

They have lost the argument and are falling into bad grace.


I know what the figures are. I take them directly from the NHS’s website. The figures are publicly available.

Selectively taking figures for England rather than the UK as a whole. Disingenuous you might say


The little people don’t matter it seems.


England has a lower Covid rate than some other parts of the UK, ie. Scotland, so if I’m being “selective”, I’m being selective on the side of being conservative.

England also makes up 55 million of the UK’s population of 66 million.

How much litter was generated and left behind. In general the irish are like likes in public spaces when drinking

That iSAG affiliated Bar-Yam fella seems to be an awful headbanger altogether. He was spreading misinformation about the vaccines there the past few days.

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Open the vaccines up.

Some experts worry that allowing the virus to spread amongst the non vulnerable may result in a variant that beats the vaccine and puts us back to square one. Do you disagree with them?

Those “experts” have been wrong about every variant so far. Why do you expect these consistently wrong “experts” will be proven right?

It seems like you want lockdowns and restrictions to continue? Why?


Experts also say that as a virus becomes more transmissible it loses potency.



your taxes = their monopoly money