Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I assume somebody will be disciplined or fired over this fuck up


It was an emergency.

You’d have to be some shyster to have been trying to pull a con in March 20.

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We already know this is not the case with the Delta variant.

Hopefully that’s true

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Probably same amount that were fired from banks back in crash …

From The Torygraph about the Scottish Delta cases

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon talks a good game, but Covid cases have surged over the last week to make Scotland the coronavirus capital of Europe.

Last week Ms Sturgeon’s health minister suggested the Euros - something outside of her control - were partly to blame, but experts say the real problem may be closer to home.

They say a combination of a slower rollout of second vaccine doses, lower levels of antibodies in the population and a failure to contain the initial outbreak of the new Delta variant in Glasgow better explain why new daily Covid cases north of the border have climbed almost vertically to exceed their January peak.

“If you had your time again or a crystal ball, you would not have planned mass events,” says Professor Linda Bauld, a public health professor at the University of Edinburgh, referring to the Euros. “But although football has contributed, it is not the cause of the rise in cases in Scotland. It’s not to blame.”

Scotland is now the worst-hit region in the UK, with 317 infections per 100,000 people - more than double the English rate of 149 per 100,000 people.

On Friday, it reported more than 4,000 new infections - the highest number so far in the pandemic, although hospitalisations and deaths remain mercifully low.

The First Minister herself admitted that football fans only tell part of the story. There were 1,991 cases linked to people watching the championships, according to Public Health Scotland, two-thirds of which were among people who came to London for the June 18 England-Scotland clash at Wembley.

But in the same period, June 11-28, there were 32,500 Covid infections in total in Scotland, dwarfing those related to football.

According to data from the Zoe app, the two worst-hit regions in the UK are Dundee and Aberdeen - with 2,873 and 2,045 infections per 100,000 people respectively.

They are followed by Liverpool and Oldham in north-west England, with 2,035 and 1,486 cases per 100,00. So what is going on?

A victim of its success

Prof Bauld says there were a number of factors. Serology data from the Office of National Statistics shows Scotland has fewer people with antibodies against Covid-19 than England: 79 per cent compared with England’s 87 per cent.

“In some ways, Scotland is a victim of its success - fewer people had the virus in the first and second waves so it has more opportunities to jump now,” says Prof Devi Sridhar, an advisor to the Scottish government. “Now we have got to get vaccinating as quickly as we can.”

But while vaccinations are moving at a similar pace across the UK, the averages disguise important gaps.

And these are gaps which the highly transmissible delta variant will exploit, says epidemiologist Prof Mark Woolhouse. “A more transmissible variant is just better at finding the vulnerable people - looking in the corners,” he explained.

Prof Bauld points out that in the group representing around 70 per cent of all Covid-19 infections in Scotland - those aged 45 and under - only four in 10 have had both vaccine doses.

That’s important because one dose is only around 33 per cent protective against symptomatic infection with the delta variant.

In England, 47.7 per cent of 40-45 year olds have had two doses, and ministers have pledged that all over-40s, as well as the clinically vulnerable, will be double-jabbed by July 19.

Ms Sturgeon, who recently sought to stop travel to Scotland from the north of England, says the precipitous jump in cases is also down to happenstance. “The delta variant seeded into Bolton initially and Bolton is quite small, whereas in Scotland the delta variant seeded in Glasgow, which is our biggest city,” she told reporters last week.

Experts point out there are other factors at play in these areas, too. Across the UK, vaccination rates are lower in the big cities.

“This is all about inequality,” said Prof Bauld, pointing out that infectious diseases “really like” densely populated inner-city areas.

Prof Sridhar said deprivation remained a risk factor, with other issues including the Scottish population’s high level of poor general health also contributing.

Hold your breath

Cases are one thing, hospitalisations are another, and Scotland with its sky-high caseload could provide an early indicator of what happens across the UK over the next month.

“We are all holding our breath to see if vaccines and mass testing will be enough to make sure hospitals are not overwhelmed,” said Prof Sridhar.

So far, in both England and Scotland, hospitalisations are creeping up but not rocketing in line with cases.

There are 1,500 people in hospital with Covid-19 in England, and 202 in Scotland, with 264 and 20 on ventilators respectively. There were 3 deaths in Scotland and 11 in England on 30 June.

Scientists are cautious about further unlocking but agree a move back into full lockdowns is hard to imagine. A big enough rise in cases could still spell disaster for the NHS, though.

“There’s no good option - that’s true for every country,” said Prof Sridhar. “But I don’t like the idea of ‘Freedom Day’. Pandemics don’t end with a parade.”

June 14th is old new. More recent data has disproven this


The real world data is very much bearing it out. Hospitalisations are surging with no change in restrictions regimes.

I see of the 4k people who went to the “rage in your cage” concert only one tested positive using antigen testing (administered by Eamonn Ryan’s brothers company btw, nice like) and they were later found not positive by a PCR test.

So NO positives.

It would seem the rate of infection in the country amongst young unvaccinated people, probably largely from the Dublin area, is close to zero.

Archbishop Holohan says antigen testing can miss 50% of positive cases (which is a fairly stilted view of the reality) but even at that it means less than 2 people had it in 4k. I’d assume these are as good as antigen tests get also since they are being used for a pilot.


That doesn’t refute the point at all that Delta has a higher hospitalisation rate than Alpha. It also dismisses the actual NHS figures which show there is indeed a surge in hospitalisations.

This graph shows the data up to June 28th. The figures are well above 300 for the latest date I can find from NHS figures, which is 331 on June 30th.

Scotland is rising similarly.

Sure you can show anything with the right x axis and y axis. It’s up a 100 or so in a country with 55 million people.

Throw up the graph since this time last year


You’re literally dismissing the figures because you don’t like them. That’s one factor among many as to why I don’t take you in any way seriously.

Just like you on another thread. Hypocrite and spoofer are two words that immediately come to mind with you sidney.


You quoted a nearly year old propaganda piece by a right-wing American think tank. Instant dismissal of that is the entirely appropriate reaction.

Only by you. The facts are the facts and you can’t handle the facts. You’re a tired, boring spoofer of a human being and would be well advised in seeking help for what ails you rather than tormenting people online ad-naseum.


On the other thread you were complaining about playing the man, and then you launch right into it. :grinning:

Shure post up another anti-vaxx tirade there while yer at it, mate.

A quick Google of any point and you can find a narrative to suit your narrative. Works both ways. Reality is majority of people couldn’t care less now and want to reopen regardless of risks. Allow people make descions based on risks

I’m going on facts, not narratives. There is a surge of Covid hospitalisations in Britain.

Not playing the man there sid. I genuinely think you are unwell and need help.