Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

K Aisling.

But only facts that fit your narrative.

It took a month for hospitalisations to double in the uk - that is not a surge


James Melville is a beauty of an example of this. He’s a Scottish journalist/public relations advisor type who was sort of on the liberal Remain spectrum over the last few years, but then turned into Gary Dempsey. Resorted to calling former colleagues paedophiles.

Ok if you won’t I will


Read the NHS figures. Second last link on this page. It’s very much a surge.

The only thing surging is your blood pressure

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Keep projecting.

Thanks for adding some context there.

Seems like some people were trying to deceive and mislead.


Sure look at the trough last August/September. The exact same dismissals that there was a surge after that were made then on this forum. And they were wrong.

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Facts are irrelevant, sidney has already discredited Ewan.

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Last Autumn people were demanding full lockdowns, and rightly so - when the ghoul MacKenna was bitterly opposing them and demanding full opening. There is basically no demand for that now. So Sports Gemma is wrong in a basic factual sense.

Sports Gemma also refuses to understand the concept of lag. Hospitalisations in the UK are running at around 3% of cases.

So if you are in a “let it rip” scenario in which the goal is heard immunity by infection - as is admitted here by Tory cheerleaders, the inescapable logic is you very quickly run into daily hospitalisations in the thousands.


Lockdowns didn’t work last Autumn and last Christmas

Thousands of people died, they failed, spectacularly and caused even more additional collateral damage.


What’s the average age of the people being hospitalised? If it’s still the elderly who have been vaccinated already then I don’t see why there would be any reason to delay reopening

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Presume you mean haven’t?

Sports gemma is brilliant. What about the vaccine.? Isn’t that why we extended restrictions this time to get more people vaccinated? We should be nearly done by the end of the month

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That’s the total number of hospitalisations at any one time (which are also surging), not the total number of daily hospitalisations.

You haven’t disproved my figures at all, they’re right there in front of you on the link.