Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

We should be extending restrictions until minimum the end of August and extending the vaccine to 12 and up.

Oh so you mean hospital admissions taking no account of hospital discharges?

No, have. The vaccines aren’t going to work perfectly so if people who have been vaccinated are still getting hospitalised there isn’t much more we can do for them IMO

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I gave you the figures. You used a different category of figures. Nice trick.

Presumably though you’d like it to be the unvaccinated as that number will continue to trend downward once the vaccination rollout completes.

It seems to be young people that are getting it now so likely that cohort in hospital but also likely to be a few Anxiety Annie and Andrews who have swallowed too hard on the fear dosage.

What dictates you admission to hospital? Just call an ambulance a few days after you get Covid and exaggerate your claims? Is that enough to get you hospitalised?


The curve looks flat to me.

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Ewan has discredited Ewan.

You’re like tits on a bull at this stage lad. Go on out and get a bit of fresh air, it’ll do you good.

The only one playing tricks here is you. You’ve constantly referred to hospitalisations and when those numbers are given in the media it refers to the number of people in hospital in Covid at any one time rather than what was admitted that day. Quite disingenuous


How am I playing tricks?

Refer to specific posts if you like.

I gave you the figures for daily hospitalisations. You said those figures were wrong, and when you found they were correct, you attempted to use a different metric to prove them wrong. But they aren’t wrong.

It’s very much you who is attempting to play tricks, not me. A few likes from the usual simpletons here who have been wrong for the entirety of the pandemic won’t change that.

Some carry on. They’re testing like mad and appealing for young people to get swabbed…they’ll even travel to test you. They’re absolutely desperate to find cases…meanwhile you’ve that gobshite McBride appealing for young people to take the vaccine…he even claimed that we’re in the middle of a fourth wave


Whereas you’re absolutely desperate not to find cases and stop people from taking the vaccines.

NPHET are refusing to publish the positivity rates at the moment despite having the data. Seems strange.

Can anyone answer this?

What gets you admitted to hospital, is it a self admission type thing where you ring up, over exaggerate and an ambulance comes to pick you up?

I’d say in most cases you’re already in hospital

I’d imagine so.

I’d say a few of those who are admitted to hospital with it however are of the anxious/hypocondriac types who will insist they go the hospital for the sheer drama of it, can cite long Covid from it and regale their near death stories to anyone who will listen for years to come.

Maybe I’m a cynic though.


I reckon you just care too much

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How do you get out for some air when you are trapped under the bed? :slight_smile:

So our friends in ISAG are now part of an international Zero Covid group that want to “bring down capitalism” and recommend that “Soviet style communism needs to be brought to Britain”. :thinking:


Lefties love lockdowns. Total government control over every aspect of someone’s life is like a wet dream to them