Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I would say the ones being hospitalised are still those with under lying conditions similar to say those people that would be hospitalised with the flu. The vaccines are suppose to lessen the effects of Covid so where there will still be hospitalisations, we should see less serious cases than what we have seen before.

The anxious/hypocondriac types will be disappointed that they wont be able to tell their near death experience from ā€œthe Covidā€ in the pub.

I spoke to a Consultant a while ago. He said he was laughing at the clapping for the HSE. He did fuck all for months only drink coffee.

He said the nurses on the Covid wards worked really really hard but that was it. He said most patients in hospital should have been at home. He said the folks in ICU were seriously sick but most of the others could have been treated at home.

He thought the whole thing was bollox, said he probably a lot of patients cos he couldnā€™t see them.


Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t clap the cunts

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I reckon if you exaggerated your symptoms and were adamant enough then youā€™re off to hospital where it spread like wildfire to genuinely sick and vulnerable people who were in hospital for other reasons.

The fear agenda has probably cost a lot of lives when it has come to Covid.

ZeroCovid is a totalitarian aim. Unless Covid is eliminated globally, an impossible aim, the only way to do it locally is a communist police state like China. Which is the ultimate goal of global elitists using their hapless lackeys of the ā€œprogressiveā€ left. Why do you think progressive leftists hate the concept of individual liberty?


Absolutely. I never thought Iā€™d see the day where I would be locking up Irish citizens for the ā€œcrimeā€ of visiting dying relatives overseas. Anyone who has championed MHQ (in particular) needs to take a long look at themselves in the mirror.


Iā€™m open to correction on this, but has ANYONE who has championed MHQ and told us how deadly and dangerous these variants supposedly are, paid even the slightest heed to how implementing their bullshit puts people like me into the firing line?

Of course not, in a communist state you are supposed to be a good little foot soldier, while they sip their champagne and tut tut about the complaints of the working class.

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Sounds like what FG want here.

Itā€™s a bit of a stretch that a conservative government would desire communism. Itā€™s time for them to grow a pair of balls and send NPHET packing.

Reid says we will be all vacinnated in 8 weeks. What happens then? All restrictions lifted?

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Piss up

They may not want a communist regime but they do not want to be questioned and do want everyone to be little boys and girls and do as they say while they fill the pockets.

Level 5 lockdown to prevent 4th wave

4th? Are we not onto the 5th now?

how do you stick it on craggy island? Iā€™d go ape living there

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Youā€™ll be glad of your Paddy Passport soon when the only jobs John Bull has left are on fishing trawlers

Power, once attained, isnā€™t easily relinquished.

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I told them that a year ago

The modern Irish are very compliant, the lads who fought in the GPO must be spinning in their graves.

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