Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Sedated with drink. The Irish have an awful problem with the drink.

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I know of at least one case where early on a young lad was admitted to hospital on the basis of his GP hearing his conditions over the phone. He had a reputation of being a major hypochondriac and having anxiety. I told the story here and noone believed me. A while later he appeared on the Late Late Show with his mother talking about his lung damage but really it was the damage from the ventilator. His mother confirmed the story that the GP heard his conditions over the phone.

I was in St James Hospital for 5 nights over Easter 2020, at the height of the surge and my ward was half-empty. Chilled as anything. There was 3 in my room most of the time out of 6 beds and the room with 6 beds behind me was totally empty.

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Do you think the Netherlands will close the ā€œdiscosā€?

To answer your question a bit better, you can either be referred to hospital via your GP or your can rock up to A&E by yourself. Itā€™s definitely free if your GP refers you and in practice the GPs are referring anyone with shortness of breath for 3 or 4 days non-stop.

Iā€™m writing this from the GP having just gotten my first Pfizer jab by the way. I didnt feel the jab at all but now the weakness is creeping through my arm, Iā€™m losing focus and my bowels are starting to move. If this keeps up I might be dead in a few hours time.

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OK Gemma

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Weā€™ll just have to lockdown forever.

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Ahā€¦unfortunately not. We have a variant for thatā€¦or if that doesnā€™t do it then thereā€™s always the spectre of worrying future variants. Have you had your booster btw?

93% sounds more than sufficient in fairness.

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Gemma isnā€™t setting government policy. People like Susan Michie of SAGE and the Communist party of Britain are, the loons you identify with.

Thereā€™s only one extremist on this board mate and it sure ainā€™t me.


My weekend is an example of the mindset of the nation:

Friday night went to a county final that is supposed to have numbers limited to 100, there was 500+ there with no SD/masks etc. Great game and atmosphere.
Into the local on the way home for 4 pints, sat at the bar indoors.

Saturday I went out in town, our ā€œoutdoorā€ dining was in a massive marquee. You had to go up and get your drink. Mask wearing was being obtained by most but 5 pints in it was only being used by a few, mainly middle aged women.
Afterwards I went to another spot where you had to wait for drinks. As the night went we went up to the bar and by the end we were all indoors again.

Sunday we went for dinner. Surprise surprise we ate indoors in a packed restaurant. The pub across the way is all indoors also.

@Cheasty calls for continued lockdowns but 90% have moved on. The other 10% have every right to be cautious but leave the rest of us alone.


Not if your goal is Zero Covid.

Roughly want part of the country is that?

There are a lot of extremists on this board. You are definitely one of them. Have a read back what you wrote. Itā€™s exactly the way Gemma goes on.

Boris Johnson is holding a press conference as we speak, he is opening it up to fuck! hon Johnson, heā€™s doing away with all restrictions!

:clap: :clap:


Sounds grand, Iā€™ve been out a number of times in Limerick city in recent weeks and my experience is a million miles from that, there is absolutely no traditional indoor drinking, I was in Nancyā€™s and Dolans and both have areas which are completely covered but adhere to the regulations, I have yet to go to a bar for a pint, table service or a chap at the door is what you get, indoor dining, absolutely nowhere have I seen it,
I suppose thereā€™s one advantage to living in the sticks??

Extremists on this topic are people calling for ZeroCovid and ongoing restrictions. The former is not achievable and the latter isnā€™t justified. Countries that have ended restrictions are not seeing any increase in Covid deaths or pressure on their hospitals, which was the whole point of lockdowns supposedly.

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its over, i pity ye lads having to the listen to the likes of Holohan shiting on about the delta variant (which is a head cold)

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The town I went to would be as touristy a town as youā€™d find. I was surprised how loose it was. Most people know itā€™s a crock of shit at this stage.

Nancy and Dolans would be doing things right, go 5 minutes outside the city in any direction and things would be different.

When youā€™re prattling on ad nauseum about communism and totalitarianism as you are, youā€™ve lost any right to be taken seriously.