Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

There is a dedicated teacher bashing tread here. I agree stay in lane. I havenā€™t heard all these points before

As someone once said, ā€œIf the pandemic has taught me anything itā€™s that a bit of egging on from online extremists and headbangers in general can shift previously normality people into raving lunatics.ā€ @backinatracksuit is the latest.


Not with that attitude you wonā€™t.

Iā€™m not being fully serious there BTW. Iā€™m from a factory of teachers.


You must be planning on taking early retirement so.

You can reach the top of your scale in 25 years.

Congratulations, you got the reaction you wanted and gave a lovely boost to at least one poster who thrives on that kind of thing.
I hope that you wonā€™t be hypocritical now in commenting on things which donā€™t affect you directly.
Good luck

Would you mind re-reading that in relation to your comments on Treyvaud? When people start showing a bit of empathy towards how others are impacted by ongoing lockdown measures, then maybe others will stop calling them out.

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Thatā€™s not a lot of money, especially if youā€™re raising a family. Is your wife a high earner? Did you marry a GP or something.

Acting the bully then playing the victim is what he did.

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Bullshit likebait,
Treyvaud acted the eejit and went looking for a reaction, heā€™s gotten progressively more attention seekingly odd as itā€™s gone on, heā€™ll get his business back.
Empathy is a handy card to draw on admittedly, impossible to counter, I donā€™t see much empathy displayed here to people on the opposite side of the argument.

You clearly are giving out about the pay.

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Christ above


Sorry mate, I know it might appear to be the case but I donā€™t think it is. Thereā€™s a bit of nuance.
I suppose I was responding to a message which stated that I (BIATS) am being very well paid by the government.
Iā€™m a 46 year old man, I have been a permanent teacher for about 5 years, not exactly certain when I got the contract, if I had gone into teaching in my early 20s Iā€™d probably be getting well paid by now, I donā€™t regret any decision I made, Iā€™m quite happy with my wage, but I donā€™t consider 650 a week to be ā€˜very well paidā€™ for the job I do and my stage in life, but again Iā€™d change nothing.
I suspect youā€™re earning a lot more than that, as I said I suspect 90% of posters here do, when this is all over I suspect Paul Treyvaud will go back to earning multiples of that every week,
I believe Iā€™ve almost always shown empathy on this forum, I think thereā€™s a few cheap shots being thrown by people with scores to settle, and Iā€™m not sure why @ironmoth took such exception to that post in the context of what flies as acceptable comment about others

Sorry, in brief, Iā€™m very happy with my wage, Iā€™m not typical of teachers my age,
Weā€™ve been over this many times before :grinning:


They really are going to go down the route of segregation.

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Donā€™t ye have a health portal where you can log in and download your cert in pdf form? Or alternatively have a digital version on your mobile app? I thought Eastern Europe was fierce backward.

The portal is there, with all your vaccination record on it.
I really donā€™t understand how they canā€™t leverage that to provide a QR or other scannable code.

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Have a think about that ā€¦In 30 years it wonā€™t be 70k at last point of scale ā€¦

I have great admiration for teachers and what they do ,I certainly wouldnā€™t do it ā€¦Iā€™ve no doubt @backinatracksuit is a very committed teacher but I donā€™t think heā€™s right about the constant reference to poor pay

You will earn 70k when you turn 66 so unless you plan on taking early retirement. Thatā€™s another lie you have spun.


Sure that fella has had pops off everyone on this forum. I wouldnā€™t let it get to you.

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Ok to be honest I donā€™t understand why people are constantly misrepresenting what he has said. He hasnā€™t complained about pay or said it was poor pay, heā€™s just said he isnā€™t well paid.

Youā€™d want to be purposely thick not to see the obvious difference.