Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

He has been very misleading and disingenuous about this both now and in the past.

Heā€™s the same guy who claimed heā€™d earn more tiling in a day than he would teaching in a week.

This was just plain nonsense and the usual poormouthing, victim mentality you get from teachers.

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It takes a teacher roughly 7 years to earn the average industrial wage. So for 33 years of a 40 year career they would be earning in excess of the average industrial wage with a significantly larger pension, job security, guaranteed pay rises, around 3x more annual leave, shorter working weeks and a load more perks without ever have to earn a promotion, move job etc.

And these chaps are the ones poormouthing consistently. Yet not many of them decide to pack in the teaching for other careers so maybe they should shut up, put their heads down and stop playing the victim.

Whats the difference between poor pay and ā€˜very little payā€™?
Do you understand how the last point of scale wonā€™t be ā‚¬70k in thirty years? It wonā€™t even be that next year .

No, you were responding to a post that calling you out on your claim that normal people have been turned into ā€œraving lunaticsā€, Treyvaud being ā€œthe latestā€. The hospitality sector is caught up in a hodgepodge of confused and contradictory guidelines. Real people that spent years building their businesses have had to close their doors, with no certainty around whether or not they will be able to fully open again. I donā€™t care what your profession is, and I didnā€™t have a go at you for becoming a teacher, but the simple fact is that, as a government employee, youā€™ve had good clarity and consistency around your own role. Have a bit of empathy towards those that have not enjoyed the same.


Fairly sure Iā€™d didnā€™t give an address when I was vaccinated, and I didnā€™t go through the portal

Worst is people are happy with this.

Lads lads lads there is a teachers tread

It begins :kite::kite:

Bullshit again, you were perfectly entitled to call me out on that,
You chose to do so by having a cheap personal dig at my circumstances , thatā€™s what I responded to.

This is not about teachers, not for me anyway, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is the only reason be acting as such

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You really are one of the biggest fools ever seen anywhere. You have a problem for everything and a solution for nothing. Your political view begins and ends with guff about ā€˜the little manā€™ and histrionics about Bill Gates taking over the world. You have been so lethally stupid about this virus as to be certifiable. And here you are, bleating about pensions and sneering about teaching as ā€œa part time jobā€. Who do you think should educate the countryā€™s children? Lads and lassies supplied by Deliveroo? Are you really so brain dead as to think children should be in school all summer? Do children not gain developmentally from not being in school for periods? Can you really not join even the most rudimentary dots?

You appear to believe in the private sector as the be all and the end all but yet cannot see that better pay would bring a better quality of teacher, in the longer run, to the table. And children are any countryā€™s sovereign asset. You are essentially setting out a stall for elite private schools.

You are against anything and everything to do with the state and the public sector. And you are a typical hypocrite, in that you look down on anyone in the public sector in times of fat ā€“ ā€˜The lack of ambition! The lack of ambition!ā€™ ā€“ but run to whinge in times of lean: ā€˜The pensions! The pensions!ā€™ Here you are at one with the likes of Eoghan Harris.


Seriously, the guy is one of the biggest crank racist idiots on here, why are you giving him oxygen?

You donā€™t consider ā‚¬45k a year - (this is your before tax pay, I note you try and poor mouth by giving your after tax pay) that probably works out at ā‚¬40 per hour worked to be a very well paid job?

Thatā€™s some entitlement right there. Itā€™s about 4x the minimum wage, you are poor mouthing at 4x the minimum wage. Unbelievable levels of entitlement.

This will stand to us in the winter when everywhere else will be in lockdown and we wont be

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Arenā€™t you a low life hack?


100%, does nothing in his own job then. Total hypocrite.

Didnā€™t you make a holy show of yourself last time round when you showed everyone that you spent more time on here lurking about than I did, when complaining about the time I spent on here?

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And so they should be. Do you want children educated by Deliveroo? Teachers should get, if right is right, considerably more than the average industrial wage.

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I am anti teacher because they consistently try to skewer the government for money, routinely hold the tax payer to ransom when they are very well rewarded financially and with perks.