Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Flick on from time to time during the day i admit, evening time between 4 and 9 hardly ever. Too much forums not good for the mind.


@Perez2017 what was your only like in the past 3 months for?

No, I am not.

5300 posts you’ve made. Nearly 5,000 more than myself. Thank god, id be getting worried if i made over 5,000 posts on here.

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You flick on from time to time (every day in the past 3 months) to read on average 783 post per day.


Amazing how you find the time. I can only fit in the time to read 640 posts per day.


An accident id imagine.

What an unempathetic fellow. An accidental like now doubt. Lads sitting on nine likes waiting for the nice post and he wouldn’t oblige.

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Yet you read 13k more posts than me.

You must be embarrassed. Maybe if you found some gainful employment it might keep you occupied.

Jaysus this thread has gone off topic completely.

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You cannot think for two seconds. You are an echo chamber of guff and bullshit.

Yes you are.

A guy who whores himself out for the press but doesn’t seem to have an ounce of common sense or real life experiences.

I appreciate the ‘support’
I have a lot of time for @ironmoth, perhaps that’s why it stung and I bit
We’ve had some history, he’s been very kind to me in the past,
How he regards a tiny slight towards Treyvaud as an attack on all those affected by the crisis in hospitality I don’t know,

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I’d consider 3 months annual leave a perk, big pension entitlements a perk, a 9-3 working day with every weekend off a perk.

But you are incapable of constructing a coherent point or framing an argument so what’s the point in engaging with an abusive basement dweller like yourself?

@glasagusban …


You are giving away a lot about yourself now.

A few home truths seem to rattle you.


Yes - his brother owns the forklift.


“basement dweller”

Keep going. You are entertaining people.

Maybe your true calling is pantomime? The stage is private sector, I guess.

You could be in a show called Dancing with the Star Stupid. Fancy that? Six weeks in Portrush, gig contract?

Only 1 like given for 71.3 thousand posts read. @Perez2017 is not easily pleased.


What home truths? That I am intelligent and rational, that you are stupid and irrational? Those kinds?