Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The truth rattles you.

Why aren’t you able to make a coherent argument and always resort to insults?

Is it a psychiatric issue you have?


If I said ‘very little pay’ I take it back, i understand that it’s not really appropriate

I was referring to my own situation with respect to that of my friends and most people I know of my age.

Nobody has yet admitted to earning similar or less than what I do, I’ve been completely honest

I don’t consider myself to be ‘very well paid’ anyway, but as I said I have no regrets


I earn less than your pro rata full time pay of €68k per year.

Your relative hourly rate is €40 per hour, that’s 4x the minimum wage.

Why do you not set up a Deliveroo agency for supplying teachers?

Wait til lads realize AZ is no good for going to America

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Money isn’t all about income mate. How much money do you save on childcare in the summer by being off? You also know for a fact that you are basically guaranteed a salary for the next 20 years, a salary which rises every year


Go to college and become a teacher, if it is so great.

Why are you unable to frame a coherent argument?


Do you want Deliveroo teachers? Lay out that schema for us. How would that craic work?

How about Portrush? Up for it?

Your inability to frame a coherent argument is incredibly telling. You could debate the point but I think we both know you have neither the intelligence to construct some decent points or the knowledge to impart.

God bless you. I suppose you were born with the mark of a wall on your forehead.

And the next step is, oh you were in a pub already tonight. Sorry you have used your social credits, try again tomorrow


I agree, but it’s not today’s debate,
To go back to the start, do you consider 650 a week to be ‘very well paid’ for a professional in his mid 40s, that’s my only real point, the rest I can concede

You can’t answer my question.

Don’t have the balls. It’s easier to roar abuse than try and engage in the subject.

Is that why you drink so much and become abusive? Gives you the confidence you don’t have?

Where did I say that? I think teachers should be well paid, which they are. Maybe not so well paid when you start in your 40s but that’s the same in any job, you start low and move up. It’s when he goes on about very poor pay or comparing his pay to other jobs which don’t have any of the perks or security that it annoys me


“The truth”

Go to college and become a teacher, if being a teacher is such a great gig.

No I don’t. As I say below, most people don’t become teachers in their 40s. That’s not a dig at you in any way but it’s the same in any job, when you start out you aren’t going to be that well paid.

It’s also not very poor pay though I would say. I’m younger than you but out of college around the same time and only earning more than that for the first time this year, and was far below that for most of the last 5 years.

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