Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Fair point.

But do you want the country’s children educated by Deliveroo?

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Not a whinge or complaint, a comment on the perks of the job

Not a whinge or complaint, a comment on job security

Not a whinge or complaint, a factual comment


I’ve been using Just Eat more recently. I’ve noticed some places on Just Eat have lower delivery charges than they do on Deliveroo.

Just eat is definitely cheaper. I like how you can track the order on it now too.

We better call a halt to this.

Don’t want the thread going off topic.



I judge people on what they are, not on what they work at or what they possess.

You work at what you work at. I could not care less. My objection is to brain dead carping about teachers in particular and the public sector in general.

Deliveroo is a great yoke if you work unsociable hours in the city centre.

You’d need to be tipping the lads well though or it’s exploitative.

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They are all a whinge.

@Malarkey is like a young GI here arriving on Iwo Jima

He doesn’t know the horror that awaits him.


Not surprising there.

If you bothered to engage in a debate rather than ranting like an enraged alcoholic you might realise how silly you are.

I’d like to see teachers enter the profession because they want to teach and improve children - not because they get 3 months off every year, get well paid and a big pension.

But you can’t frame a coherent argument so have another glass of whiskey and burst a few more blood vessels pounding your keyboard, Mr Angry.

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I’ll take that as a win so if you have no comeback. Pleasure interacting with you today


You lose.

You dodged putting forward a coherent counter argument again.

You have no confidence in your ability. All bluster, no substance.

You are a lad unhappy with his (economic) life whingeing in an e-men’s shed. Forgive me for being underwhelmed.

apocalypse now kurtz GIF

@Malarkey Showing his disdain for the working class by repeatedly referring to them negatively here, a despicable piece of shit.


You have a ‘speak your weight machine’ repertoire of this ráiméis. Nay bother.

You should learn to improve your reading before our next interaction. It’s really holding you back

I’m not certain but aren’t many crèche costs fixed for the year whether you are off for the summer or not?

Also this notion of an increasing salary guaranteed. All very well until another fiscal crisis hits and the public sector are walloped with more and more made up deductions. Indeed the 2008 crisis had nothing to do with the public sector in terms of cause.

At the end of the day we all do what we do. To attack someone for having a certainty type of job and it being ‘cushy’ strikes me as someone very unhappy with their own choice.


You still refuse to engage in debating the point.

You neither have the knowledge or intelligence to put forward a coherent argument.

I’ve given my points about teachers, you have given insults and disparaging comments about low paid workers with confirmations of how you judge others you know very little about.

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